
Gets the current status of the service for the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner.


Get-ScanStatus []


The Get-ScanStatus cmdlet returns the following details about the current scanner cluster status:

  • Cluster name

  • Cluster status, including:

    • Offline: The service isn't started
    • Idle: The service is running but not currently scanning
    • Scanning: The service is running and is currently scanning files
    • Error. The scanner service is running but it encountered an error that prevents it from scanning files. For example, the service can't access the database for the scanner configuration.
  • Scan start time: The time the last scan started, in UTC time format.

  • Time from start: The scanning duration, in the following format: Days.HH:MM:SS

  • Node information: A list of the nodes in the scanner cluster

To obtain further details, use one or both of the following methods:

  • Use the NodesInfo variable to view details about the current scanning status for each node. For more information, see the examples.

  • Use the Verbose parameter to view details such as the number of scanned files, amount of data scanned, and details for each repository scanned.

    When using the Verbose parameter, drill down further to find more details for the repositories by using the RepositoriesStatus or the CurrentScanSummary variables.

    Possible repository statuses include:

    • Skipped, if the repository was skipped
    • Pending, if the current scan isn't started scanning the repository
    • Scanning, if the current scan is running on the repository
    • Finished, if the current scan finished running on the repository

For more information, see Verify scanning details per scanner node and repository.


Example 1: Get the current status of the scanner service

PS C:\> Get-ScanStatus
Cluster        : contoso-test
ClusterStatus  : Scanning
StartTime      : 03/10/2021 9:05:02 AM
TimeFromStart  : 00:00:00:37
NodesInfo      : {,,}

This output shows that a scan is currently running on the contoso-test cluster, and was started 37 seconds ago, March 10, 2021 at 9:05:02 AM.

The output also shows that the contoso-test cluster has three nodes.

Example 2: Use the Verbose parameter to get data for the current scan

PS C:\> Get-ScanStatus -Verbose

ScannedFiles    MBScanned    CurrentScanSummary                                         RepositoriesStatus
------------    ---------    ------------------                                         ------------------
        2280    78478187     Microsoft.InformationProtection.Scanner.ScanSummaryData    {​​​​​​{​​​​​​ Path = C:\temp, Status = Scanning }​​​​​​

This output shows only a single repository. In cases of multiple repositories, each one is listed separately.

Example 3: Use the NodesInfo variable to get details about the scanning status on each node

PS C:\> Get-ScanStatus

Cluster        : contoso-test
ClusterStatus  : Scanning
StartTime      : 12/22/2020 9:05:02 AM
TimeFromStart  : 00:00:00:37
NodesInfo      : {,}

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $x=Get-ScanStatus
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $x.NodesInfo

NodeName                            Status    IsScanning    Summary
--------                            --------  ----------    -------    Scanning        True    Microsoft.InformationProtection.Scanner.ScanSummaryData    Scanning     Pending    Microsoft.InformationProtection.Scanner.ScanSummaryData

PS C:\Windows\system32> $x.NodesInfo[0].Summary

ScannerID               :
ScannedFiles            : 2280
FailedFiles             : 0
ScannedBytes            : 78478187
Classified              : 0
Labeled                 : 0

This output first displays details about the current scan status and a list of nodes in the cluster, and then details for each node, in a table.

Further drilldown using the node integer shows a long list of details about the scan on the selected node, such as the number of scanned, classified, and labeled files, and the number of bytes scanned.

When using the NodesInfo variable to drill down to node details, node integers start with 0.

Example 4: Use the Verbose parameter and the RepositoriesStatus variable

PS C:\Windows\system32> $x=Get-ScanStatus - Verbose
PS C:\Windows\system32> $x.RepositoriesStatus

Path        Status
----        ------
C:\temp     Scanning

The output shows the scan status for each repository configured for the content scan job.

Example 5: Use the Verbose parameter and the CurrentScanSummary variable

PS C:\Windows\system32> $x.CurrentScanSummary

ScannerID               : 
ScannedFiles            : 2280
FailedFiles             : 0
ScannedBytes            : 78478187
Classified              : 0
Labeled                 : 0

The output shows further details about the scan currently running, including the number of scanned, failed, classified, and labeled files, and the number of bytes scanned.



