
Sets the authentication credentials for the Microsoft Purview Information Protection client.


   [-AppId <Guid>]
   [-AppSecret <String>]
   [-TenantId <String>]
   [-DelegatedUser <String>]
   [-OnBehalfOf <PSCredential>]


The Set-Authentication cmdlet sets credentials by using an access token so that you can sign in as a different user and also use the labeling cmdlets non-interactively.

For example:

  • You want to use the Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner to continually discover and automatically label and protect files in multiple data stores.
  • You want to run a scheduled PowerShell script that automatically labels and protects files on a file server by using the Set-FileLabel cmdlet.
  • You have a data loss prevention (DLP) solution that that you want to augment by automatically labeling and protecting files that this solution identifies.

Running with or without parameters

If you run this cmdlet without parameters, the account acquires a Microsoft Entra access token that is valid for 90 days or until your password expires.

To control when the access token expires, run this cmdlet with parameters. This lets you configure the access token for 1 year, 2 years, or to never expire. This configuration requires you to have one or more applications registered in Microsoft Entra.

The Microsoft Purview Information Protection client supports the OnBehalfOf parameter, which accepts a stored variable that contains your specified Windows user name and password.

Use the DelegatedUser parameter to specify a user account in Microsoft Entra that is assigned one or more label policies from your labeling management center.


Example 1: Set the authentication credentials without using applications that are registered in Microsoft Entra

PS C:\> Set-Authentication 
Acquired access token

This command prompts you for your Microsoft Entra credentials that are used to acquire an access token that is valid for 90 days or until your password expires.

Example 2: Set the authentication credentials by using an application that is registered in Microsoft Entra

PS C:\>$pscreds = Get-Credential CONTOSO\scanner
PS C:\> Set-Authentication -AppId "77c3c1c3-abf9-404e-8b2b-4652836c8c66" -AppSecret "OAkk+rnuYc/u+]ah2kNxVbtrDGbS47L4" -DelegatedUser -TenantId "9c11c87a-ac8b-46a3-8d5c-f4d0b72ee29a" -OnBehalfOf $pscreds
Acquired application access token on behalf of CONTOSO\scanner.

Run the commands in this PowerShell session with the Run as Administrator option, which is required for the OnBehalfOf parameter.

The first command creates a PSCredential object and stores the specified Windows user name and password in the $pscreds variable. When you run this command, you are prompted for the password for the user name that you specified.

The second command acquires an access token that is combined with the application so that the token becomes valid for 1 year, 2 years, or never expires, according to your configuration of the registered app in Microsoft Entra . The user name of sets the user context to download labels and label policies from the Microsoft Purview portal or the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.



Specifies the "Application (client) ID" for app registered in Microsoft Entra.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the client secret value generated at the time your app was registered in Microsoft Entra.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the user account credentials to use when downloading label policies with sensitivity labels from your labeling management center.

  • The credentials used must be a Microsoft Entra account that can be used to get the policy and online configuration.

    • It can be the same account that is used for the ServiceUserCredentials if this account is synched to Microsoft Entra, or a different account.

    • If this account needs to reprotect files, remove protection from files, or inspect protected files, make it a super user for Microsoft Purview Information Protection.

  • Set the value of this parameter using the UPN. For example:

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the variable that includes the credentials object used by the Microsoft Purview Information Protection client.

This parameter is used when login rights cannot be granted to scheduled PowerShell commands.

  • Use the same credentials for this parameter as used to run the scanner, defined by the ServiceUserCredentials parameter.

  • To use this parameter, you must run your PowerShell session with the Run as Administrator option.

Use the Get-Credential cmdlet to create the variable that stores the credentials. For more information, type Get-Help Get-Cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the tenant GUID that contains your registered app in Microsoft Entra.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False



