
Gets backups from a device.


The cmdlets referenced in this documentation are for managing legacy Azure resources that use Azure Service Manager (ASM) APIs. This legacy PowerShell module isn't recommended when creating new resources since ASM is scheduled for retirement. For more information, see Azure Service Manager retirement.

The Az PowerShell module is the recommended PowerShell module for managing Azure Resource Manager (ARM) resources with PowerShell.


   -DeviceName <String>
   [-From <String>]
   [-To <String>]
   [-First <Int32>]
   [-Skip <Int32>]
   [-Profile <AzureSMProfile>]
   -DeviceName <String>
   -BackupPolicyId <String>
   [-From <String>]
   [-To <String>]
   [-First <Int32>]
   [-Skip <Int32>]
   [-Profile <AzureSMProfile>]
   -DeviceName <String>
   -VolumeId <String>
   [-From <String>]
   [-To <String>]
   [-First <Int32>]
   [-Skip <Int32>]
   [-Profile <AzureSMProfile>]
   -DeviceName <String>
   -BackupPolicy <BackupPolicyDetails>
   [-From <String>]
   [-To <String>]
   [-First <Int32>]
   [-Skip <Int32>]
   [-Profile <AzureSMProfile>]
   -DeviceName <String>
   -Volume <VirtualDisk>
   [-From <String>]
   [-To <String>]
   [-First <Int32>]
   [-Skip <Int32>]
   [-Profile <AzureSMProfile>]


The Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackup cmdlet gets backups from a device. You can specify the backup policy, volume, and creation time for backups.

This cmdlet can return a maximum of 100 backups in the first page. If more than 100 backups exist, retrieve subsequent pages by using the First and Skip parameters. If you specify a value of 100 for Skip and 50 for First, this cmdlet does not return the first 100 results. It returns the next 50 results after the 100 that it skips.


Example 1: Get all backups on a device

PS C:\>Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackup -DeviceName "Contoso63-AppVm"
InstanceId                           Name                               Type          BackupJobCreationType              CreatedOn                          SizeInBytes                       Snapshots                         SSMHostName                      
----------                           ----                               ----          ---------------------              ---------                          -----------                       ---------                         -----------                      
85074062-ef6a-408a-b6c9-2a0904bb99ca Snapshot_vg-all                    LocalSnapshot BySchedule                         4/15/2015 1:30:02 PM               9375913607168                     {Volume 1, Volume 4, Volume 3,                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                              Volume 2}                                                          
ebd87fa3-a9e2-49c9-a7e6-dada47071544 Cloud_Snapshot_vg-all              CloudSnapshot BySchedule                         4/15/2015 11:30:02 AM              9375913607168                     {Volume 1, Volume 4, Volume 3,                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                              Volume 2}                                                          
9f7a03be-8c39-474c-bf88-b2c7b54e833c Cloud_Snapshot_Vol3_clone VG       CloudSnapshot BySchedule                         4/15/2015 9:00:03 AM               1717986918400                     {Volume 3 Clone}                                                   
177b2dad-c0b2-42d6-b7bb-16926e54e9c6 VG Clones                          CloudSnapshot BySchedule                         4/15/2015 8:30:02 AM               5016521801728                     {Volume 1 Clone, Volume 3 Clone}                                   
49c470c0-eadb-40ac-9928-94018a8edcd4 Cloud_Snapshot_Vol1_clone VG       CloudSnapshot BySchedule                         4/15/2015 7:30:02 AM               3298534883328                     {Volume 1 Clone}                                                   
45dfd283-f924-4b45-93eb-b20650cadf43 vg-all                             LocalSnapshot Adhoc                              3/27/2015 9:12:15 PM               9375913607168                     {Volume 1, Volume 4, Volume 3,                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                              Volume 2}                                                          
2c3dd48d-824c-4298-82b5-fb44abb67a1e Test Group                         LocalSnapshot Adhoc                              3/27/2015 1:47:00 AM               5016521801728                     {Volume 1, Volume 3}

This command gets all backups that exist on the device named Contoso63-AppVm. If there are more than the maximum of 100 backups allowed for the first page, use the First and Skip parameters to view additional results.

Example 2: Get backups created between two dates

PS C:\>Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackup -DeviceName "Contoso63-AppVm" -From "9/7/2014" -To "10/7/2014" -First 2 -Skip 1
BackupJobCreationType : BySchedule
CreatedOn             : 10/5/2014 11:00:04 AM
SizeInBytes           : 10737418240
Snapshots             : {ContosoTSQA}
SSMHostName           : 
Type                  : CloudSnapshot
InstanceId            : ec2fdf5c-c807-4f7b-a942-d4c4a9b68c44
Name                  : ContosoTSQA_Default
BackupJobCreationType : BySchedule
CreatedOn             : 10/4/2014 11:00:06 AM
SizeInBytes           : 10737418240
Snapshots             : {ContosoTSQA}
SSMHostName           : 
Type                  : CloudSnapshot
InstanceId            : 5ac4f947-f4c6-4770-9000-2242e72fc6d3
Name                  : ContosoTSQA_DefaultVERBOSE: # of backups returned : 2
VERBOSE: More backups are available for your query. To access the next page of your result use \"-First 2 -Skip 3\" in
your commandlet

This command gets backups on the device named Contoso63-AppVm that were created on or after 10/7/2014 and on or before 10/8/2014. This cmdlet skips the first result and returns the first two results after that first result. Modify values for First and Skip to view other results.

Example 3: Get backups for a backup policy ID

PS C:\>Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackup -DeviceName "Contoso63-AppVm" -BackupPolicyId "de088eac-b283-4d92-b501-a759845fdf3f" -First 10 -From "9/7/2014"
BackupJobCreationType : BySchedule
CreatedOn             : 10/1/2014 11:00:12 AM
SizeInBytes           : 10737418240
Snapshots             : {ContosoTSQA}
SSMHostName           : 
Type                  : CloudSnapshot
InstanceId            : e1aec9f1-a321-443f-a058-ba78c749c2c2
Name                  : ContosoTSQA_Default

BackupJobCreationType : BySchedule
CreatedOn             : 9/29/2014 11:00:12 AM
SizeInBytes           : 10737418240
Snapshots             : {ContosoTSQA}
SSMHostName           : 
Type                  : CloudSnapshot
InstanceId            : f8041928-37b9-4048-a99c-2d3078943874
Name                  : ContosoTSQA_Default
VERBOSE: # of backups returned : 10
VERBOSE: More backups are available for your query. To access the next page of your result use \"-First 10 -Skip 10\"
in your commandlet

This command gets backups on the device named Contoso63-AppVm created on or before the specified date. The command gets backups that were created by using the backup policy that has the specified ID. This command specifies the First parameter, so it returns only the first 10 results.

Example 4: Get backups for a backup policy object

PS C:\>Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupPolicy -DeviceName "Contoso63-AppVm" -BackupPolicyName "TSQATest_Default" | Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackup -DeviceName "Contoso63-AppVm" -First 10 -From "9/7/2014"
BackupJobCreationType : BySchedule
CreatedOn             : 10/1/2014 11:00:12 AM
SizeInBytes           : 10737418240
Snapshots             : {ContosoTSQA}
SSMHostName           : 
Type                  : CloudSnapshot
InstanceId            : e1aec9f1-a321-443f-a058-ba78c749c2c2
Name                  : ContosoTSQA_Default

BackupJobCreationType : BySchedule
CreatedOn             : 9/29/2014 11:00:12 AM
SizeInBytes           : 10737418240
Snapshots             : {ContosoTSQA}
SSMHostName           : 
Type                  : CloudSnapshot
InstanceId            : f8041928-37b9-4048-a99c-2d3078943874
Name                  : ContosoTSQA_Default
VERBOSE: # of backups returned : 10
VERBOSE: More backups are available for your query. To access the next page of your result use \"-First 10 -Skip 10\"
in your commandlet

This command gets a BackupPolicyDetails object by using the Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupPolicy cmdlet, and then passes that object to the current cmdlet by using the pipeline operator. That cmdlet gets backups for the device named Contoso63-AppVm created by using the backup policy from the first part of the command. The command gets backups created on or before the specified date, just as in the previous example. This command returns only the first 10 results.

Example 5: Get a backup for a volume ID

PS C:\>Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackup -DeviceName "Contoso63-AppVm" -VolumeId "SS-VOL-246b9df1-11bb-4071-8043-f955cc406446" -First 1
BackupJobCreationType : BySchedule
CreatedOn             : 10/9/2014 11:00:10 AM
SizeInBytes           : 10737418240
Snapshots             : {ContosoTSQA}
SSMHostName           : 
Type                  : CloudSnapshot
InstanceId            : 4fef4178-0145-404b-8257-7d958a380b8b
Name                  : ContosoTSQA_Default

VERBOSE: # of backups returned : 1
VERBOSE: No more backup sets are present for your query!

This command gets a backup on the device that is created on the volume that has the specified instance ID. This command specifies the First parameter, so it returns only the first one result.

Example 6: Get a backup for a volume name

PS C:\>Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceVolume -DeviceName "Contoso63-AppVm" -VolumeName "TSQATest03" | Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackup -DeviceName "Contoso63-AppVm" -First 1
BackupJobCreationType : BySchedule
CreatedOn             : 10/9/2014 11:00:10 AM
SizeInBytes           : 10737418240
Snapshots             : {ContosoTSQA}
SSMHostName           : 
Type                  : CloudSnapshot
InstanceId            : 4fef4178-0145-404b-8257-7d958a380b8b
Name                  : ContosoTSQA_Default

VERBOSE: # of backups returned : 1
VERBOSE: No more backup sets are present for your query!

This command gets a VirtualDisk object by using the Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceVolume cmdlet, and then passes that object to the current cmdlet by using the pipeline operator. That cmdlet gets backups for the device named Contoso63-AppVm created on the volume from the first part of the command. This command returns only the first result.



Specifies a BackupPolicyDetails object. This cmdlet uses the InstanceId of this object to determine which backups to get. To obtain a BackupPolicyDetails object, use the Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupPolicy cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an instance ID of a backup policy. This cmdlet gets device backups for policy that this parameter specifies.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of the StorSimple device for which to get backups.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Gets only the specified number of objects. Enter the number of objects to get.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the start date and time for the backups that this cmdlet gets.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an Azure profile.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Ignores the specified number of objects and then gets the remaining objects. Enter the number of objects to skip.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the end date and time for the backups that this cmdlet gets.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a VirtualDisk object. This cmdlet uses the InstanceId of this object to determine the volume in which backups exist. To obtain a VirtualDisk object, use the Get-AzureStorSimpleDeviceVolume parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the instance ID of the volume in which backups exist.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


BackupPolicyDetails, VirtualDisk

This cmdlet accepts BackupPolicyDetails and VirtualDisk objects.



This cmdlet returns a list of Backup objects.