Compiler Error C3767 

Error Message

'function' candidate function(s) not accessible

A friend function defined in a class is not supposed to be treated as if it were defined and declared in the global namespace scope. It can, however, be found by argument-dependent lookup.

C3767 may also be caused by a breaking change: native types are now private by default in a /clr compilation; see Type Visibility for more information.

The following sample generates C3767:

// C3767a.cpp
// compile with: /clr
using namespace System;
public delegate void TestDel();

public ref class MyClass {
   static event TestDel^ MyClass_Event;

public ref class MyClass2 : public MyClass {
   void Test() {
      MyClass^ patient = gcnew MyClass;

int main() {
   MyClass^ x = gcnew MyClass;
   x->MyClass_Event();   // C3767

   // OK
   MyClass2^ y = gcnew MyClass2();

The following sample generates C3767:

// C3767b.cpp
// compile with: /clr:oldSyntax
using namespace System;
__delegate void TestDel();

public __gc class MyClass {
   static __event TestDel * MyClass_Event;

public __gc class MyClass2 : public MyClass {
   void Test() {
      MyClass* patient = new MyClass;

int main() {
   MyClass* x = new MyClass;
   x->MyClass_Event();   // C3767

   // OK
   MyClass2 * y = new MyClass2();

The following sample generates C3767:

// C3767c.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c

ref class Base  {
   void Method() {

ref class Der : public Base {
   void Method() {
      ((Base^)this)->Method();   // C3767
      // try the following line instead
      // Base::Method();

The following sample generates C3767:

// C3767d.cpp
// compile with: /clr:oldSyntax /c

__gc class Base {
   void Method() {

__gc class Der : public Base {
   void Method() {
      ((Base*)this)->Method();   // C3767
      // try the following line instead
      // Base::Method();

In Visual C++ .NET 2002, the compiler changed the way it looked up symbols. In some cases, it would have automatically looked for symbols in a specified namespace. Now, it will use argument-dependent lookup. For more information, see Summary of Compile-Time Breaking Changes.

The following sample generates C3767:

// C3767e.cpp
namespace N {
   class C {
      friend void FriendFunc() {}
      friend void AnotherFriendFunc(C* c) {}

int main() {
   using namespace N;
   FriendFunc();   // C3767 error
   C* pC = new C();
   AnotherFriendFunc(pC);   // found via argument-dependent lookup

For code that is valid in Visual C++ .NET 2003 and Visual C++ .NET 2002, declare the friend in class scope and define it in namespace scope:

// C3767f.cpp
class MyClass {
   int m_private;
   friend void func();

void func() {
   MyClass s;
   s.m_private = 0;

int main() {