Standard Commands


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The framework defines many standard command messages. The IDs for these commands typically take the form:

ID_ Source_Item

where Source is usually a menu name and Item is a menu item. For example, the command ID for the New command on the File menu is ID_FILE_NEW. Standard command IDs are shown in bold type in the documentation. Programmer-defined IDs are shown in a font that is different from the surrounding text.

The following is a list of some of the most important commands supported:

File Menu Commands
New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Page Setup, Print Setup, Print, Print Preview, Exit, and most-recently-used files.

Edit Menu Commands
Clear, Clear All, Copy, Cut, Find, Paste, Repeat, Replace, Select All, Undo, and Redo.

View Menu Commands
Toolbar and Status Bar.

Window Menu Commands
New, Arrange, Cascade, Tile Horizontal, Tile Vertical, and Split.

Help Menu Commands
Index, Using Help, and About.

OLE Commands (Edit Menu)
Insert New Object, Edit Links, Paste Link, Paste Special, and typename Object (verb commands).

The framework provides varying levels of support for these commands. Some commands are supported only as defined command IDs, while others are supported with thorough implementations. For example, the framework implements the Open command on the File menu by creating a new document object, displaying an Open dialog box, and opening and reading the file. In contrast, you must implement commands on the Edit menu yourself, since commands like ID_EDIT_COPY depend on the nature of the data you are copying.

For more information about the commands supported and the level of implementation provided, see Technical Note 22. The standard commands are defined in the file AFXRES.H.

See Also

User-Interface Objects and Command IDs