Items Method 

Returns an array containing all the items in a Dictionary object.

object.Items( ) 


The object is always the name of a Dictionary object.

The following code illustrates use of the Items method:

function ItemsDemo()


   var a, d, i, s;                  // Create some variables.

   d = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary");  

   d.Add ("a", "Athens");              // Add some keys and items.

   d.Add ("b", "Belgrade");

   d.Add ("c", "Cairo");

   a = (new VBArray(d.Items())).toArray();   // Get the items.

   s = "";

   for (i in a)                  // Iterate the dictionary.


      s += a[i] + "<br>";


   return(s);                     // Return the results.

Function DicDemo

   Dim a, d, i, s   ' Create some variables.

   Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

   d.Add "a", "Athens"   ' Add some keys and items.

   d.Add "b", "Belgrade"

   d.Add "c", "Cairo"

   a = d.Items   ' Get the items.

   For i = 0 To d.Count -1 ' Iterate the array.

      s = s & a(i) & "<BR>" ' Create return string.


   DicDemo = s

End Function

Applies To:

Dictionary Object

See Also


Add Method (Script Runtime)
Exists Method (Script Runtime)
Keys Method
Remove Method (Script Runtime)
RemoveAll Method