Sending Messages to a Queue (COM)

A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


Sending messages is an asynchronous operation that requires opening the destination queue and sending the message.

The body of an Message Queuing message can be any intrinsic variant, including string, date, currency, any number type, an array of bytes, as well as any persistent COM object that supports IDispatch and IPersist (IPersistStream or IPersistStorage).

For examples on See

Sending a string

Sending a String in a Message (COM)

Sending a date

Sending a Date in a Message (COM)

Sending a currency

Sending a Currency in a Message (COM)

Sending a number

Sending a Number in a Message (COM)

Sending an array of bytes

Sending an Array of Bytes in a Message (COM)

Sending a persistent object in a message

Sending a Persistent Object (COM)

Sending a data recordset in a message

Sending a Data Recordset in a Message (COM)

Sending messages that return Message Queuing acknowledgment messages

Requesting Acknowledgment Messages (COM)

Sending messages that request an application-defined response message

Requesting Response Messages (COM)

Sending an application-defined response message

Sending Response Messages (COM)

Sending a single message within an implicit internal transaction

Sending a Single-Message Transaction (COM)

Sending a file as a message

Sending a File as a Message (COM)

See Also


MSMQ COM Support
Using the COM Components
MSMQ Security

Other Resources

Message Queuing