Smart Card Functions

A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


The following table shows the Smart Card Services functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description


This function starts a transaction, waiting for the completion of all other transactions before it begins.


This function terminates all outstanding actions within a specific resource manager context.


This function establishes a connection, using a specific resource manager context, between the calling application and a smart card contained by a specific reader.


This function gives you direct control of the reader. You can call it any time after a successful call to SCardConnect and before a successful call to SCardDisconnect.


This function terminates a connection previously opened between the calling application and a smart card in the target reader.


This function completes a previously declared transaction, enabling other applications to resume interactions with the card.


This function establishes the resource manager context (the scope) within which database operations are performed.


This function removes an introduced smart card from the smart card subsystem.


This function removes a previously introduced reader from control by the smart card subsystem.


This function frees memory that has been returned from the resource manager using the SCARD_AUTOALLOCATE length designator.


This function gets the current reader attributes for the specified handle.


This function returns the name of the dynamic link library (DLL) containing the provider for a given card name and provider type.


This function returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the primary service provider for a specified card.


This function blocks execution until the current availability of the cards in a specific set of readers changes.


This function introduces a smart card to the smart card subsystem for the active user by adding it to the smart card database.


This function introduces a new name for an existing smart card reader. Smart card readers are automatically introduced to the system.


This function determines whether a smart card context handle is valid.


This function searches the smart card database and provides a list of named cards previously introduced to the system by a user.


This function provides a list of interfaces supplied by a specified card.


This function provides the list of readers within a set of named reader groups, eliminating duplicates.


This function searches the readers listed in the rgReaderStates parameter for a card with an Automatic Terminal Recognition (ATR) string that matches one of the card names specified in mszCards, returning immediately with the result.


This function searches the readers listed in the rgReaderStates parameter for a card with an ATR string that matches one of the ATRs specified in rgAtrMasks, returning immediately with the result.


This function re-establishes an existing connection between the calling application and a smart card.


This function closes an established resource manager context, freeing any resources allocated under that context, including SCARDHANDLE objects and memory allocated using the SCARD_AUTOALLOCATE length designator.


This function sets the specified reader attribute for the specified handle.


This function specifies the name of the DLL containing the provider for a given card name and provider type.


This function provides the current status of a smart card in a reader. You can call it any time after a successful call to SCardConnect and before a successful call to SCardDisconnect.


This function sends a service request to the smart card and expects to receive data back from the card.

See Also

Other Resources

Smart Card