
A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


This method statically registers a device with the device host.


HRESULT RegisterDevice(
  BSTR bstrXMLDesc,
  BSTR bstrProgIDDeviceControlClass,
  BSTR bstrInitString,
  BSTR bstrContainerId,
  BSTR bstrResourcePath,
  LONG nLifeTime,
  BSTR* pbstrDeviceIdentifier


  • bstrXMLDesc
    [in] Specifies the XML device description template.
  • bstrProgIDDeviceControlClass
    [in] Specifies the ProgID of a device object that implements the IUPnPDeviceControl interface. This object must be an in-process COM server.
  • bstrContainerId
    [in] Specifies a string that identifies the process group to which the device belongs. All devices with the same container identifier will be contained in the same process.
  • bstrResourcePath
    [in] Specifies the location of the resource directory of the device. This resource directory contains the icon files and service descriptions that are specified in the device description template.
  • nLifeTime
    [in] Specifies the Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) time-out (in seconds) of the device after which the announcements will be refreshed. If the value is 0, then the default time-out of 1800 seconds is used. If a time-out of less than 900 seconds is specified, then an E_INVALIDARG error code is returned.
  • pbstrDeviceIdentifier
    [out] Specifies the device identifier that will be used to unregister and reregister a device.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, the method returns one of the COM error codes that are defined in Winerror.h.


Header upnphost.h
Library uuid.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also

