
A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


This function is an application-defined callback function that the system calls when the property sheet is being created and initialized.


int CALLBACK PropSheetProc(
  HWND hwndDlg, 
  UINT uMsg, 
  LPARAM lParam 


  • hwndDlg
    [in] Handle to the property sheet dialog box.
  • uMsg
    [in] Specifies the message being received. It is one of the following values.

    Value Description


    Requests the title to be used by the property sheet. The lParam parameter is the address of the buffer that receives the title text. The maximum length of this message is 256 characters.

    The return value is zero if this message is specified.


    Requests the property sheet version to be used. The hwndDlg parameter is NULL, and the lParam value is 0.

    The return value indicates the desired version for the control.


    Indicates that the property sheet is being initialized. The lParam parameter is the address of the PROPSHEETHEADER for the property sheet.

    The return value is zero if this message is specified.


    Indicates that the property sheet is about to be created. The hwndDlg parameter is NULL, and the lParam parameter is the address of a dialog template in memory. This template is in the form of a DLGTEMPLATE structure followed by one or more DLGITEMTEMPLATE structures.

    The return value is zero if this message is specified.

  • lParam
    [in] Additional information about the message. The meaning of this value depends on the uMsg parameter.

Return Value

The return values are dependent on the message specified by uMsg. If uMsg is PSCB_GETVERSION, the return value indicates the desired version for the control. For all other values of uMsg, the return value is zero.


To enable a PropSheetProc callback function, use the PROPSHEETHEADER structure when you call the PropertySheet function to create the property sheet. Use the pfnCallback member to specify an address of the callback function, and set the PSP_USECALLBACK flag in the dwFlags member.

PropSheetProc is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. The PFNPROPSHEETCALLBACK type is the address of a PropSheetProc callback function.


Header prsht.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 1.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also

