What's New in Shell for Windows Mobile 6


Windows Mobile 6 includes new programming elements that can help you develop applications that make full use of sound and ink.

New Sound Functions

  • SndGetSound
    Gets the current sound file for the indicated sound event.
  • SndGetSoundDirectoriesList
    Returns an array of possible directories for sound files for the specified sound event type and memory location.
  • SndGetSoundFileList
    Returns and array of available sound files on the device for the specified sound event.
  • SndGetWaitHandle
    Returns a handle to an event that is set when the sound finishes playing.
  • SndOpen
    Creates a sound handle based on a sound file.
  • SndSetSound
    Sets the current sound file for the indicated event.
  • SndStop
    Stops playback of a sound.

New Programming Elements in Windows Mobile Ink

See Also

Other Resources

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