
The EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION structure describes information relating to an event that is service provider-specific.


struct { 
  ULONG ulEvent; 
  ULONG cb; 
  LPBYTE pbEventParameters; 


  • ulEvent
    Extended event code that is defined by the provider.
  • cb
    Count of bytes in the event-specific parameters pointed to by pbEventParameters.
  • pbEventParameters
    Pointer to event-specific parameters. The type of parameters used depends on the value of the ulEvent member; these parameters are documented by the provider that issued the event.


This type is supported, but the notification that uses it (fnevExtended) is never sent by MAPI.

The EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION structure is one of the members of the union of structures included in the info member of the NOTIFICATION structure. When the info member of a NOTIFICATION structure contains an EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION structure, the ulEventType member of the NOTIFICATION structure is set to fnevExtended.

The extended event is defined by a service provider to represent a type of change that cannot be covered by any of the other predefined events. Only clients that know before they register that a service provider supports an extended event can register for that event. It is not possible for clients to determine without advanced knowledge whether a service provider supports an extended event and, if it does, how to handle such an event when it is received.

An extended notification is sent by the session when a client logs off. Register for this notification by calling IMAPISession::Advise with the lpEntryID parameter set to NULL and the cbEntryID parameter set to zero.


Header mapidefs.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 3.0 and later
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2002 and later, Smartphone 2002 and later

See Also


MAPI Structures

Other Resources
