CSecureChannelServer Class

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The CSecureChannelServer class is a helper class (not an interface) that enables a service provider or secure content provider to authenticate an application using the IComponentAuthenticate interface, to encrypt and decrypt data, and to create MAC signatures. The authentication process requires that the application create a CSecureChannelClient object and that the service provider create a CSecureChannelServer object. The CSecureChannelClient and CSecureChannelServer classes are declared in the static link library, Mssachlp.lib. All methods of Windows Media Device Manager, service provider, and secure content provider interfaces can return WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED to indicate that the caller has not authenticated successfully.

The CSecureChannelServer class exposes the following methods.

Method Description
DecryptParam Decrypts the data contained in a parameter.
EncryptParam Encrypts the data contained in a parameter.
fIsAuthenticated Verifies that a secure authentication channel has been successfully established.
GetAppSec Retrieves the application security levels of the local and remote components.
GetSessionKey Retrieves the current session key.
MACFinal Releases the message authentication code (MAC) channel and retrieves a final MAC value.
MACInit Acquires a message authentication code (MAC) channel.
MACUpdate Updates the message authentication code (MAC) value with a parameter value.
SACAuth Establishes a secure authenticated channel between components.
SACGetProtocols Reports the protocols supported by a component.
SetCertificate Specifies the certificate and private key of the secure authenticated channel (SAC) server.
SetSessionKey Sets the session key that is used to communicate with another component.

See Also