Creating an IMAP4 Account Example for OMA Client Provisioning


The following example shows how to use the EMAIL2 Configuration Service Provider to create an IMAP account. This example also shows how to use the EMAIL2 Configuration Service Provider to enable SSL for the incoming and outgoing server.

You can use this XML code as a template for creating your own provisioning documents. Copy and paste the code into a blank text file, edit the characteristic and parm elements to suit your needs, then save it with an XML extension.


You must enclose the GUID in the EMAIL2 Configuration Service Provider in braces {}. For example, if the GUID is "C556E16F-56C4-4edb-9C64-D9469EE1FBE0," you would change <characteristic type="{GUID}" to <characteristic type="{C556E16F-56C4-4edb-9C64-D9469EE1FBE0}"

Code Example

<characteristic type="EMAIL2">
  <characteristic type="{GUID}">
     <parm name="SERVICENAME"     value="Example IMAP"/>
     <parm name="SERVICETYPE"     value="IMAP4"/>
     <parm name="INSERVER"        value=""/>
     <parm name="OUTSERVER"       value=""/>
     <parm name="NAME"            value="Your name" />
     <parm name="AUTHNAME"        value="yourmailloginname"/>
     <parm name="AUTHSECRET"      value="password"/>
     <parm name="DOMAIN"          value=""/>
     <parm name="REPLYADDR"       value=""/>
     <parm name="LINGER"          value="15" />
     <parm name="RETRIEVE"        value="2048" />
     <parm name="KEEPMAX"         value="25" />
     <parm name="DWNDAY"          value="3" />
     <parm name="AUTHREQUIRED"    value="1" />
     <parm name="SMTPALTENABLED"  value="1"/>
     <parm name="SMTPALTAUTHNAME" value="yourmailnameauth"/>
     <parm name="SMTPALTPASSWORD" value="smtpauthpassword"/>
     <parm name="SMTPALTDOMAIN"   value="smtpauthdomain"/>

<!-- "RETRIEVE" value="2048": only 2k of each email will retrieved at the begin, aftherwards automatic download of the email (it's also possibe to set retrieving to: header only) -->
<!-- "KEEPMAX"  value="25": max of 25 email will be retieved -->
<!-- "DWNDAY"   value="3": retrieve messages only retrieved on inbox within last 3 days-->

<!-- Note the "AUTHREQUIRED"   value="1": SMTH authentication is required by server, using the username and password from account for loging-->
<!-- Note the "AUTHREQUIRED"   value="0": NO SMTH authentication is required by server -->
<!-- Note the "SMTPALTENABLED" value="1": SMTH authentication is required by server, using  username and password from different account for logging (parameter only nessecary in this case)-->


<characteristic type="EMAIL2"> 
  <characteristic type="{GUID}">
    <parm name="SERVICENAME"  value=""/>
    <parm name="SERVICETYPE"  value="POP3"/>
    <parm name="INSERVER"     value=""/>
    <parm name="OUTSERVER"    value=""/>
    <parm name="AUTHREQUIRED" value="1"/>
    <characteristic type="TAGPROPS">
        <parm name="8128000B" value="1"/>
        <parm name="812C000B" value="1"/>
    <parm name="AUTHNAME"   value=""/>
    <parm name="AUTHSECRET" value="password"/>
    <parm name="REPLYADDR"  value=""/>


One provisioning XML file typically contains configuration information for multiple Configuration Service Providers. To use this example, you must replace the values as appropriate, and add the node as a child of the OMA Client Provisioning file. For information about the syntax of this file, see OMA Client Provisioning Files. For examples, see OMA Client Provisioning XML File Examples.

See Also


EMAIL2 Configuration Service Provider Examples for OMA Client Provisioning