TemplatePropertySource Enumeration

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Specifies where the value of the template property comes from during substitution.

Namespace:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing
Assembly:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing.CrossTierTypes (in Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing.CrossTierTypes.dll)


<ComVisibleAttribute(False)> _
Public Enumeration TemplatePropertySource
Dim instance As TemplatePropertySource
public enum TemplatePropertySource
public enum class TemplatePropertySource
public enum TemplatePropertySource


Member name Description
Auto Automatically try ContentItem, IntrinsicValue, ContextProfile, in this order
ContentItem Value comes from Content Item
IntrinsicValue Value is intrinsic.
ContextProfile Value comes from Context profile.


The enumeration values are:

  • Auto - Search the following options in order (ContentItem, IntrinsicValue, ContextProfile) until a value is found.

  • ContentItem - Search the ContentItem.

  • ContextProfile - Search the Context profile.

  • IntrinsicValue - Value is intrinsic.

See Also


Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing Namespace