Orders Adapter Message Types

Commerce Server 2009 includes a BizTalk adapter that is designed to interact with the Orders System, known as the Orders adapter. There are two types of Orders adapters, known as the Orders receive adapter and the Orders send adapter, each of which is associated with different message types. This topic provides an introduction to the messages associated with each type of Orders adapter.


The tables within this topic show the BizTalk Server context properties and the message body schemas associated with each of the Orders adapter message types. The message body schemas are identified as being either Commerce Server 2009 system schemas that may have to be regenerated periodically as you change the schemas associated with the corresponding Commerce Server 2009 systems, or as adapter schemas that are adapter-specific and will not change unless new versions of Commerce Server 2009 adapters themselves are released and installed, and maybe not even then. For more information about generating up-to-date Commerce Server 2009 system schemas and about the complete set of schemas used by the Commerce Server 2009 adapters, see Generating and Using the XSD Files Required by Different Commerce Server Systems and Adapter Message Schemas, respectively.

Orders Receive Adapter Message Types

The Orders receive adapter produces a single type of message, as follows that is used to periodically export information from the Orders System.


The Orders receive adapter is unique among the Commerce Server 2009 receive adapters because it automatically performs its operations under transactions. It allows roll-back to the previous state if a failure were to occur at any time during the transaction. This is important to preserve the integrity of orders between Commerce Server 2009 and whatever other system with which the adapter is being used to integrate. In the context of export operations, using transactions is most meaningful when you are using the transport properties Status From and Status To to modify the status of the orders that are being exported. If, for whatever reason, the export operation is not successful, neither the status of the exported orders within the Orders System will have changed, nor will the corresponding export message be processed within BizTalk Server and beyond. For more information about how to use the transport properties Status From and Status To, see Managing Order Status with the Orders Receive Adapter.


Messages of type CommerceServerOrdersExport are one-way messages that contain one or more Commerce Server 2009 orders that match the configured filter, if any. You can use the Orders Per Message transport property to specify whether the adapter will produce a separate message for each order, or whether the adapter will produce messages that contain multiple orders per message.

The following table shows context properties and message body schemas that are associated with this one-way message.

Message Type

Context Properties

Message Body Schema(s)


  • CommerceServerMessageType. Written and promoted by the Orders receive adapter.

  • Sitename. If it is configured, written and promoted by the Orders receive adapter.

  • System schemas:

    OrderGroupCollection.xsd, Basket.xsd, or PurchaseOrder.xsd (default versions)

Orders Send Adapter Message Types

The Orders send adapter processes several distinct pairs of solicit-response messages, as follows that are used to retrieve information from the Orders System.


The Orders send adapter is unique among the Commerce Server 2009 send adapters because it automatically performs most of its operations under transactions (the query operation is an exception because it does not make any changes to the Orders System). It allows roll-back to the previous state if a failure were to occur at any time during the transaction. This is important to preserve the integrity of orders between Commerce Server 2009 and whatever other system with which the adapter is being used to integrate. In the context of send adapter operations, using transactions is most meaningful when the operation can modify the state of orders within the Orders System; in other words, for operations other than queries. If, for whatever reason, the send adapter operation is not successful, neither the status of the affected orders within the Orders System will have changed, nor will the corresponding response message be submitted to BizTalk Server, nor will the originating solicit message be deleted.

CommerceServerOrdersQuery / CommerceServerOrdersQueryResponse

Messages of type CommerceServerOrdersQuery are solicit messages that contain an arbitrary query of the Orders System.


If you specify a DateTime value in the query within the message body of a CommerceServerOrdersQuery message, you must use a culture invariant format. For more information, see System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture and System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo in the .NET Framework.

Messages of type CommerceServerOrdersQueryResponse are the response messages that result from the corresponding solicit message being sent to the Orders System. Such messages communicate success or failure using the context property CommerceServerCommandResults, and when successful, may contain multiple orders up to the search limit defined in the Orders Web service Web.config file.

The following table shows context properties and message body schemas that are associated with this solicit-response message pair.

Message Type

Context Properties

Message Body Schema(s)


  • CommerceServerMessageType. Must be present if the endpoint transport property Endpoint Message Type is set to From Context.

  • Adapter schema:

    OrdersQuery.xsd, OrdersQueryExpr.xsd


  • CommerceServerMessageType. Written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • CommerceServerCommandResults. Written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • Sitename. If it is configured, written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • Successful queries:

    System schemas:

    OrderGroupCollection.xsd, Basket.xsd, or PurchaseOrder.xsd (default versions)

  • Unsuccessful queries:

    System schema:

    OrderGroupCollection.xsd (default version)

CommerceServerOrdersAcceptBasket / CommerceServerOrdersAcceptBasketResponse

Messages of type CommerceServerOrdersAcceptBasket are solicit messages that contain a Commerce Server 2009 basket that is being submitted for checkout processing by Commerce Server 2009.

Messages of type CommerceServerOrdersAcceptBasketResponse are the response messages that result from the corresponding solicit message being sent to the Orders System. Such messages communicate success or failure using the context property CommerceServerCommandResults, and when successful, will return either a purchase order that corresponds to the supplied basket or the basket itself, based on the setting of the transport property Save Baskets As POs.

Another important transport property for Orders send adapter endpoints is called Basket Pipeline. This property determines the pipeline that will be used for basket validation.

The following table shows context properties and message body schemas that are associated with this solicit-response message pair.

Message Type

Context Properties

Message Body Schema(s)


  • CommerceServerMessageType. Must be present if the endpoint transport property Endpoint Message Type is set to From Context.

  • System schema:

    Basket.xsd (default version)


  • CommerceServerMessageType. Written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • CommerceServerCommandResults. Written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • Sitename. If it is configured, written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • Acceptable baskets, when transport property Save Baskets As POs is set to False:

    System schema:

    Basket.xsd (default version)

  • Acceptable baskets, when transport property Save Baskets As POs is set to True:

    System schema:

    PurchaseOrder.xsd (default version)

  • Unacceptable baskets:

    Adapter schema:


CommerceServerOrdersSavePurchaseOrder / CommerceServerOrdersSavePurchaseOrderResponse

Messages of type CommerceServerOrdersSavePurchaseOrder are solicit messages that contain a single Commerce Server 2009 purchase order for submission into the Orders System.

Messages of type CommerceServerOrdersSavePurchaseOrderResponse are the response messages that result from the corresponding solicit message being sent to the Orders System. Such messages communicate success or failure using the context property CommerceServerCommandResults.

The following table shows context properties and message body schemas that are associated with this solicit-response message pair.

Message Type

Context Properties

Message Body Schema(s)


  • CommerceServerMessageType. Must be present if the endpoint transport property Endpoint Message Type is set to From Context.

  • System schema:

    PurchaseOrder.xsd (default version)


  • CommerceServerMessageType. Written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • CommerceServerCommandResults. Written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • Sitename. If it is configured, written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • OrderGroupId. Written, but not promoted, by the Orders send adapter.

  • Adapter schema:


CommerceServerOrdersUpdateOrderProperties / CommerceServerOrdersUpdateOrderPropertiesResponse

Messages of type CommerceServerOrdersUpdateOrderProperties are solicit messages that contain updates for Commerce Server 2009 purchase orders within the Orders System. Such messages can contain updates for more than one purchase order using the format that is defined by the Orders Web service UpdatePurchaseOrderProperties.

Messages of type CommerceServerOrdersUpdateOrderPropertiesResponse are the response messages that result from the corresponding solicit message being sent to the Orders System. Such messages communicate success or failure using the context property CommerceServerCommandResults.

The following table shows context properties and message body schemas that are associated with this solicit-response message pair.

Message Type

Context Properties

Message Body Schema(s)


  • CommerceServerMessageType. Must be present if the endpoint transport property Endpoint Message Type is set to From Context.

  • Adapter schema:



  • CommerceServerMessageType. Written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • CommerceServerCommandResults. Written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • Sitename. If it is configured, written and promoted by the Orders send adapter.

  • Adapter schema:


See Also

Other Resources

Catalog Adapter Message Types

Inventory Adapter Message Types

Profiles Adapter Message Types

Generating and Using the XSD Files Required by Different Commerce Server Systems

Adapter Message Types