Type Property

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Gets or sets the Type of the current Advertisement object.

Namespace:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing
Assembly:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing.CrossTierTypes (in Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing.CrossTierTypes.dll)


Public Property Type As AdvertisementType
Dim instance As Advertisement
Dim value As AdvertisementType

value = instance.Type

instance.Type = value
public AdvertisementType Type { get; set; }
property AdvertisementType Type {
    AdvertisementType get ();
    void set (AdvertisementType value);
public function get Type () : AdvertisementType
public function set Type (value : AdvertisementType)

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing..::.AdvertisementType
The Type of the current instance: Paid Ad or House Ad. Default AdvertisementType is House.


Specifies different types of Advertisement. The AdvertisementType is either Paid or House.

A House Ad is an ad that is served when paid ads are ahead of their Need of Delivery schedule.

A Paid Ad is an advertisement that is served with specific delivery goals. The determination to serve an ad at a given time is based on a Need of Delivery calculation.


See Also


Advertisement Class

Advertisement Members

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing Namespace