ExecuteSearch Method

Searches for an entity in the profiles system based on the input parameters.

Namespace:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Profiles.WebService
Assembly:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Profiles.DataManagement (in Microsoft.CommerceServer.Profiles.DataManagement.dll)


<WebMethodAttribute> _
Public Overridable Function ExecuteSearch ( _
    profileType As String, _
    searchClause As XmlElement, _
    searchOptions As SearchOptions _
) As DataSet
Dim instance As ProfilesWebService
Dim profileType As String
Dim searchClause As XmlElement
Dim searchOptions As SearchOptions
Dim returnValue As DataSet

returnValue = instance.ExecuteSearch(profileType, _
    searchClause, searchOptions)
public virtual DataSet ExecuteSearch(
    string profileType,
    XmlElement searchClause,
    SearchOptions searchOptions
virtual DataSet^ ExecuteSearch(
    String^ profileType, 
    XmlElement^ searchClause, 
    SearchOptions^ searchOptions
public function ExecuteSearch(
    profileType : String, 
    searchClause : XmlElement, 
    searchOptions : SearchOptions
) : DataSet


Return Value

Type: System.Data..::.DataSet
A DataSet containing one page of records that matched the provided search clause.


Executes a search against a specific profile type in the profile system.


See Also


ProfilesWebService Class

ProfilesWebService Members

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Profiles.WebService Namespace