GetSiteTerms Method

This function retrieves the site terms.

Namespace:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Profiles
Assembly:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Profiles.BizDataAdmin (in Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Profiles.BizDataAdmin.dll)


Public Function GetSiteTerms ( _
    encoding As String _
) As DOMDocument
Dim instance As BusinessDataAdmin2FreeThreaded
Dim encoding As String
Dim returnValue As DOMDocument

returnValue = instance.GetSiteTerms(encoding)
public DOMDocument GetSiteTerms(
    string encoding
DOMDocument^ GetSiteTerms(
    String^ encoding
public function GetSiteTerms(
    encoding : String
) : DOMDocument


Return Value

Type: DOMDocument
An XML DOMDocument object that contains the site terms.


You must call connect before calling this method.

The XML DOMDocument object returned by this property is valid only if the method completed successfully.

The encoding parameter is used to specify the encoding within the document. It inserts the following tag in the document.

<xml encoding = "<sEncode>">

It does not change how the site terms are encoded or perform any validation that the encoding in the document matches the encoding parameter.


See Also


BusinessDataAdmin2FreeThreaded Class

BusinessDataAdmin2FreeThreaded Members

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Profiles Namespace