MSVidWebDVD.DVDDirectory Property

Note  This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The DVDDirectory property sets and retrieves the current directory of the current DVD volume.

VidWebDVD.DVDDirectory As String


This property takes no parameters.

Return Value

Returns a String value indicating the path to the DVD root directory.

Error Codes

If the property fails, Err.Number may be set to one of the following values.

Value Description
E_UNEXPECTED Unspecified error.
VFW_E_DVD_INVALIDDOMAIN You attempted to take the value in a domain that does not support this property.
E_INVALIDARG The name of the directory is too long.


Valid Domains

The following table shows the Annex J command name to which this method name corresponds, and the domains in which this method is valid.

Annex J Command Name Valid Domains



This property is read/write with no default value. Use this method to set the root path when there is more than one DVD drive on a system. When there is only one drive on the system and its drive letter is higher than "C", the MSVidWebDVD object finds it automatically. For a standard DVD-Video disc, the root path should include the ts_video directory:

MSVidWebDVD.DVDDirectory = "e:\\video_ts"

Some DVD volumes may have their video in a directory named something other than "video_ts." The general idea is that an additional "DVD volume" (the set of .IFO. VOB, and .BUP files that would normally be stored in the VIDEO_TS directory) can be placed in a subdirectory on the disc. By changing the root to point to this directory, MSVidWebDVD will operate on this separate DVD volume. A new set of menus, titles, and so on, will be available, independent of the titles in the VIDEO_TS root, which will no longer be accessible. Such directories are called "hidden directories." The following example shows how to set a hidden directory as the root, where "hidden" is a placeholder for whatever name the disc authors have given to the directory.

MSVidWebDVD.DVDDirectory = "d:\\webdvd\\hidden"


Type Library

MS Video Control 1.0 Type Library and Microsoft Tuner 1.0 Type Library



See Also

MSVidWebDVD Object



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Build date: 7/6/2010