MSVidWebDVD.SelectDefaultAudioLanguage Method

Note  This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The SelectDefaultAudioLanguage method sets the current default audio language in the MSVidWebDVD object.

   lang As Long,
   ext As Long


  • lang
    Specifies the language as a Long LCID value. See the table under Working with LCIDs for possible values.

  • ext
    Specifies the DVD audio language extension as a Long value. The following table shows possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Not specified
    1 Captions
    2 Visually impaired
    3 Director comments 1
    4 Director comments 2


Return Value

This method does not return a value.

Error Codes

If the property fails, Err.Number may be set to one of the following values.

Value Description
E_UNEXPECTED Unspecified error.
E_INVALIDARG lang or ext are invalid.
VFW_E_DVD_INVALIDDOMAIN The DVD Navigator filter is not in the Stop domain.


Valid Domains

The following table shows the Annex J command name to which this method name corresponds, and the domains in which this method is valid.

Annex J Command Name Valid Domains



oVidWebDVD.SelectDefaultAudioLanguage(lang, ext)


Type Library

MS Video Control 1.0 Type Library and Microsoft Tuner 1.0 Type Library



See Also

Audio Streams: Controlling Spoken Language

MSVidWebDVD Object



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Build date: 7/6/2010