Data Type Support between XML Schema (XSD) Types and .NET Framework Types
The data types section of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML Schema Recommendation, available at, lists the data types that can be used in XML Schemas.
These data types are represented as instances of the XmlSchemaDatatype class, which has ValueType and TokenizedType properties. These properties respectively are the name of the type as specified in the XML 1.0 Recommendation, and the name of the .NET Framework type that represents it.
The XmlSchemaElement and XmlSchemaAttribute classes have ElementType and AttributeType properties that contain an XmlSchemaDatatype for the XML Schema type of the element or attribute after validation and compilation of the schema.
The following table shows the XML Schema data types and their corresponding .NET Framework type support.
XML Schema (XSD) type | .NET Framework type |
anyURI | System.Uri |
base64Binary | System.Byte[] |
Boolean | System.Boolean |
Byte | System.SByte |
Date | System.DateTime |
dateTime | System.DateTime |
decimal | System.Decimal |
Double | System.Double |
duration | System.TimeSpan |
ENTITIES | System.String[] |
ENTITY | System.String |
Float | System.Single |
gDay | System.DateTime |
gMonthDay | System.DateTime |
gYear | System.DateTime |
gYearMonth | System.DateTime |
hexBinary | System.Byte[] |
ID | System.String |
IDREF | System.String |
IDREFS | System.String[] |
int | System.Int32 |
integer | System.Decimal |
language | System.String |
long | System.Int64 |
month | System.DateTime |
Name | System.String |
NCName | System.String |
negativeInteger | System.Decimal |
NMTOKEN | System.String |
NMTOKENS | System.String[] |
nonNegativeInteger | System.Decimal |
nonPositiveInteger | System.Decimal |
normalizedString | System.String |
NOTATION | System.String |
positiveInteger | System.Decimal |
QName | System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName |
short | System.Int16 |
string | System.String |
time | System.DateTime |
timePeriod | System.DateTime |
token | System.String |
unsignedByte | System.Byte |
unsignedInt | System.UInt32 |
unsignedLong | System.UInt64 |
unsignedShort | System.UInt16 |