AnonymousForCertificateAssertion Members

Represents a turnkey security assertion that uses an X509SecurityToken security token to protect SOAP messages. With this security assertion, the client is not authenticated. WS-Security 1.1 is required for this assertion.

The following tables list the members exposed by the AnonymousForCertificateAssertion type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
AnonymousForCertificateAssertion Initializes a new instance of the AnonymousForCertificateAssertion class.


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property ClientActor  Gets or sets the actor attribute on the Security SOAP header for a SOAP message destined for a Web service client to which this policy assertion applies.(Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion)
public property EstablishSecurityContext  Gets or sets a value indicating whether a secure conversation is established using SecurityContextToken security tokens.(Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion)
public property MessageProtectionOrder  (Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion )
public property Protection  Gets the protection requirements for the security policy assertion.(Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion)
public property RenewExpiredSecurityContext  Gets or sets a value indicating whether a new SecurityContextToken security token is automatically requested as the current one expires when a secure conversation is established. (Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion)
public property RequireDerivedKeys  Gets or sets a value indicating whether DerivedKeyToken security tokens are used.(Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion)
public property RequireSignatureConfirmation  (Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion )
public property ServiceActor  Gets or sets the actor attribute on the Security SOAP header for a SOAP message destined for a Web service to which this policy assertion applies.(Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion)
public property ServiceX509TokenProvider Gets or sets the security token provider for the Web service's security credentials.
public property TtlInSeconds  Gets or sets the default number of seconds that a SOAP message is valid after its creation.(Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method CreateClientInputFilter Overridden. Specifies the SOAP filter for SOAP responses received by the Web service client.
public method CreateClientOutputFilter Overridden. Specifies the SOAP filter for SOAP requests sent by the Web service client.
public method CreateServiceInputFilter Overridden. Specifies the SOAP filter for SOAP requests received by the Web service.
public method CreateServiceOutputFilter Overridden. Specifies the SOAP filter for SOAP responses sent by the Web service.
public method Equals  Overloaded. (Inherited from Object )
public method GetExtensions Overridden. Gets the collection of policy extensions that are registered in the policy file.
public method GetHashCode  (Inherited from Object )
public method GetType  (Inherited from Object )
public method ReadXml Overridden. Reads the XML in the policy file that is associated with this policy assertion.
public method static ReferenceEquals  (Inherited from Object )
public method ToString  (Inherited from Object )
public method WriteXml Overridden. Writes the current policy assertion as XML using the specified System.Xml.XmlWriter.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (Inherited from Object )
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object )
protected method ReadAttributes  (Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion )
protected method ReadElements  (Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion )
protected method WriteAttributes  (Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion )
protected method WriteElements  (Inherited from SecurityPolicyAssertion )


See Also


AnonymousForCertificateAssertion Class
Microsoft.Web.Services3.Design Namespace

Other Resources

<anonymousForCertificateSecurity> Element
How to: Secure a Web Service Without Using a Policy File
How to: Secure a Web Service Using a Policy File