EncryptedKeyToken.GetXml Method

Generates an XML representation of the EncryptedKeyToken from the specified XML document.

Namespace: Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Tokens
Assembly: Microsoft.Web.Services3 (in microsoft.web.services3.dll)


Dim document As XmlDocument
Dim returnValue As XmlElement
Dim encryptedKeyToken1 As EncryptedKeyToken
returnValue = encryptedKeyToken1.GetXml(document)


Public Overrides Function GetXml( _
    ByVal document As XmlDocument _
) As XmlElement
public override XmlElement GetXml(
    XmlDocument document
virtual XmlElement^ GetXml(
    XmlDocument^ document
) override;
public override XmlElement GetXml(
    XmlDocument document
public override function GetXml(
     document : XmlDocument
) : XmlElement;


  • document
    An System.Xml.XmlDocument that the returned System.Xml.XmlElement will be added to eventually.

Return Value

An System.Xml.XmlElement that contains the token type.


When building a SOAP message from XML elements returned from multiple objects that each have a GetXml method, use just one System.Xml.XmlDocument and pass it to each of the GetXml methods. This ensures that only one System.Xml.XmlDocument is loaded in memory for each SOAP message, instead of one for each object that implements the Microsoft.Web.Services3.Xml.IXmlElement interface. This is because the GetXml method creates the returned System.Xml.XmlElement and sets its System.Xml.XmlElement.OwnerDocument property using the passed in System.Xml.XmlDocument.

Even though the System.Xml.XmlElement.OwnerDocument property is set to the passed in System.Xml.XmlDocument, the System.Xml.XmlElement is not added to the System.Xml.XmlDocument. To add the System.Xml.XmlElement to the System.Xml.XmlDocument, call the System.Xml.XmlNode.AppendChild(System.Xml.XmlNode) method for the appropriate System.Xml.XmlNode in the System.Xml.XmlNode.ChildNodes collection.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Development Platforms

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server

Target Platforms

See Also


EncryptedKeyToken Class
EncryptedKeyToken Members
Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Tokens Namespace