IAssemblyCacheItem Interface
Represents a single assembly in the global assembly cache.
interface IAssemblyCacheItem : IUnknown {
HRESULT AbortItem ();
HRESULT Commit (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[out, optional] ULONG *pulDisposition
HRESULT CreateStream (
[in] DWORD dwFlags,
[in] LPCWSTR pszStreamName,
[in] DWORD dwFormat,
[in] DWORD dwFormatFlags,
[out] IStream **ppIStream,
[in, optional] ULARGE_INTEGER *puliMaxSize
Method | Description |
Allows the assembly in the global assembly cache to perform cleanup operations before it is released. |
Commits the cached assembly reference to memory. |
Creates a stream with the specified name and format. |
Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family
Header: Fusion.h
.NET Framework Version: 2.0