Debugging Preparation: XML Web Services (C++) 

When you create an XML Web service with Visual C++, Visual Studio creates the default project settings for debugging. When you choose Start from the Debug menu, these settings cause Visual Studio to launch the browser selected in the <Project> Properties Pages and to dynamically generate a test page. On the test page, you can enter commands and observe the data that is returned by your XML Web service.


For the debugger to attach to C++ code compiled with /clr, the code needs to emit DebuggableAttribute. You can add this to your code automatically by linking with the /ASSEMBLYDEBUG linker option.

Debugging a Call to the XML Web Service from a Client Application

When a client application calls an XML Web service, the debugger attaches to the client application and the ASP.NET worker process, aspnet_wp.exe, and tracks the SOAP call, following the call stack chain to the XML Web service process.

For more information, see XML Web Services in Managed Code.

Changing Default Configurations

When you create an XML Web Service project with the project template, Visual Studio automatically creates the required settings for the Debug and Release configurations. If necessary, you can change those settings. For more information, see Changing Project Settings for a C or C++ Debug Configuration and Debug and Release Configurations.

See Also

Other Resources

Debugging Managed Code
Debugging Preparation: Visual C++ Project Types