<scopedCertificates> Element

Represents a collection of X.509 certificates provided by specific services (scoped) for authentication. This collection is typically used to specify the service certificates for Security Token Services in a federated scenario.




      <behavior> of <endpointBehaviors>


          <serviceCertificate> of <serviceCredentials>

            <scopedCertificates> Element

              <add> for <scopedCertificates> Element


Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.



Child Elements

Element Description

<add> for <scopedCertificates> Element

Adds an X.509 certificate to the collection of scoped certificates.

Parent Elements

Element Description

<serviceCertificate> of <serviceCredentials>

Specifies a certificate to use when authenticating a service to the client.


The following example specifies a service certificate for the client to use when communicating with endpoints whose domain name is www.contoso.com over the HTTP protocol.

     <add targetUri="https://www.contoso.com" 
          findValue="www.contoso.com" storeLocation="LocalMachine"
                  storeName="Root" x509FindType="FindByIssuerName" />

See Also


<add> for <scopedCertificates> Element

Other Resources

Working with Certificates
Federation and SAML

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