Inside the CustomPeerResolverService: Client Registrations

Each node in the mesh publishes its endpoint information to the resolver service through the Register function. The resolver service stores this information as a registration record. This record contains a unique identifier (RegistrationID) and endpoint information (PeerNodeAddress) for the node.

Stale Records and Expiration Time

Ideally, when a node leaves the mesh, it will call the Unregister function, which causes the resolver service to remove the registration entry. Sometimes, nodes shut down or become inaccessible before calling Unregister, leaving behind a stale registration record.

Stale records in your resolver service can cause failed connections. If a node trying to connect to a mesh receives stale connection information from the resolver service, it can take longer to successfully join the mesh. Stale records also take up memory. Without an efficient clean up process, the cache used to store registrations could eventually overflow and crash the resolver service.

The CustomPeerResolverService marks each record with an expiration time (DateTime), and stores that information as part of the record. The service uses the expiration time to identify stale records. Custom implementations should do something similar.

RefreshInterval and CleanupInterval

The RefreshInterval property of the CustomPeerResolverService defines how long registration records remain valid in the service's registration lookup table. When the amount of time supplied to this property has passed for a given record, that record becomes stale and is marked for deletion.

The CleanupInterval property of the CustomPeerResolverService tells the service how often to search for and delete stale registration records. The CleanupInterval should be set to a time greater than or equal to the RefreshInterval set on the service.

To implement your own resolver service, you need to write a maintenance function to remove stale registration records. There are several ways to do this:

  • Periodic maintenance: Set a timer to go off periodically, and go through your data store to delete old records. The CustomPeerResolverService uses this approach.

  • Passive deletion: Instead of actively searching for stale records at regular intervals, you can identify and delete stale records when your service is already performing another function. This may potentially slow down response time to requests from the resolver clients, but it eliminates the need for a timer, and may be more efficient if few nodes are expected to leave without calling Unregister.

RegistrationLifetime and Refresh

When a node registers with a resolver service, it receives a RegisterResponseInfo object from the service. This object has a RegistrationLifetime property which indicates to the node how much time it has before the registration expires and is removed by the resolver service. If, for example, the RegistrationLifetime is 2 minutes, the node needs to call Refresh in under 2 minutes to ensure the record stays fresh and is not deleted. When the resolver service receives a Refresh request, it looks up the record and resets the expiration time. Refresh returns a RefreshResponseInfo object with a RegistrationLifetime property.

Peer Channel Samples

Peer Channel Custom Peer Resolver

See Also


Peer Resolvers