DataServiceContext.GetReadStream Method (Object, DataServiceRequestArgs)

Gets binary data stream for the specified entity by using the specified message headers.

Not supported by the WCF Data Services 5.0 client for Silverlight.

Namespace:  System.Data.Services.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.Data.Services.Client (in Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll)


Public Function GetReadStream ( _
    entity As Object, _
    args As DataServiceRequestArgs _
) As DataServiceStreamResponse
Dim instance As DataServiceContext 
Dim entity As Object 
Dim args As DataServiceRequestArgs 
Dim returnValue As DataServiceStreamResponse 

returnValue = instance.GetReadStream(entity, _
public DataServiceStreamResponse GetReadStream(
    Object entity,
    DataServiceRequestArgs args
DataServiceStreamResponse^ GetReadStream(
    Object^ entity, 
    DataServiceRequestArgs^ args
member GetReadStream : 
        entity:Object * 
        args:DataServiceRequestArgs -> DataServiceStreamResponse
public function GetReadStream(
    entity : Object, 
    args : DataServiceRequestArgs
) : DataServiceStreamResponse


  • entity
    Type: System.Object
    The entity that has the binary stream to retrieve.

Return Value

Type: System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceStreamResponse
An instance of DataServiceStreamResponse that represents the response.


Exception Condition

entity is nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


args is nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


The entity is not tracked by this DataServiceContext.


The entity is in the Added state.


The entity is not a Media Link Entry and does not have a related binary stream.


The GetReadStream method synchronously requests the binary data stream that belongs to the requested entity.

In the AtomPub protocol, the entity is a Media Link Entry and the stream is the related Media Resource.

No validation is performed on the headers that are set in args. Therefore, do not change an HTTP header in a way that changes the meaning of the request.

See Also


DataServiceContext Class

GetReadStream Overload

System.Data.Services.Client Namespace