Number Object (JScript 5.6) 

An object representation of the number data type and placeholder for numeric constants.

numObj = new Number(value)


  • numobj
    Required. The variable name to which the Number object is assigned.
  • value
    Required. The numeric value of the Number object being created.


JScript creates Number objects as required from numerical values. It is rarely necessary to create Number objects explicitly.

The primary purposes for the Number object are to collect its properties into one object, and to allow numbers to be converted into strings via the toString method.


MAX_VALUE Property | MIN_VALUE Property | NaN Property | NEGATIVE_INFINITY Property | POSITIVE_INFINITY Property | constructor Property | prototype Property


toExponential Method | toFixed Method | toLocaleString Method | toPrecision Method | toString Method | valueOf Method


Version 1

See Also


Math Object (JScript 5.6)
new Operator (JScript 5.6)