Maintenance Ledger Entry Table

Created when you post a maintenance transaction related to a fixed asset.

Maintenance ledger entries are created by the posting of a purchase order, invoice, credit memo or journal line.

You cannot change the contents of the fields in the table because the entry has been posted.

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
FA Posting Group Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
User ID Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Reversed Entry No. Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Maintenance Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
VAT Prod. Posting Group Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Tax Area Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Document No. Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
VAT Bus. Posting Group Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
FA Class Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Gen. Prod. Posting Group Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
FA No./Budgeted FA No. Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Journal Batch Name Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Amount Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
FA Posting Date Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Amount (LCY) Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
FA No. Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Reversed Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Description Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Quantity Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Source Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Dimension Set ID Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Bal. Account No. Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Automatic Entry Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Transaction No. Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Index Entry Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
FA Subclass Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
No. Series Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Correction Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
External Document No. Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
FA Location Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Document Date Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Reason Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Debit Amount Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Tax Liable Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
FA Exchange Rate Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Document Type Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Bal. Account Type Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Gen. Posting Type Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Posting Date Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Depreciation Book Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
G/L Entry No. Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Tax Group Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Credit Amount Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Reversed by Entry No. Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
VAT Amount Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Use Tax Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Location Code Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets
Entry No. Field, Maintenance Ledger Entry Table Fixed Assets

See Also


Maintenance Ledger Entries

Other Resources

How to: View Maintenance Ledger Entries
How to: Print Maintenance Ledger Entries
How to: View Maintenance Costs