Return Shipment Line Table

Creates a posted return shipment if you want to return items to your vendor, such as if some of the received quantity was damaged, and you post a credit memo for that quantity.

The posted return shipment consists of information stored in the Return Shipment Header table and the Return Shipment Line table. The program copies the information from the purchase header and purchase lines in the credit memo into these two tables.

This table contains basic information (such as item number and quantity) about received items that have been returned to the vendor. The program automatically copies all the fields in the return shipment lines from the original purchase lines in the credit memo.


You cannot change information in return shipment lines, because the document has already been posted.

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
NCCD Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
State Field, Return Shipment Line Table Sales Tax
Form No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Reverse VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table Income Tax
Tax Base Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Sales Tax
Tax % Field, Return Shipment Line Table Sales Tax
SED Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Notification No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Service Tax Base Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Custom eCess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Form Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Sales Tax
Capital Item Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Service Tax SHE Cess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
AED(GSI) Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Vendor Shipment No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Notification Sl. No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Claim VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table Income Tax
Consume VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table Income Tax
Service Tax as Excise Credit Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Excise Bus. Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
RG Record Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Service Tax Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Excise Prod. Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Loading on Inventory Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
SetOff Available Field, Return Shipment Line Table Income Tax
ADE Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Refund VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table Income Tax
AED(TTA) Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
BCD Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Source Document Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Local Functionality
Excise Base Quantity Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Custom SHECess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
CIF Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise as Service Tax Credit Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
CVD Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Accounting Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
CWIP G/L Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Local Functionality
BED Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Amount Including Excise Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Refund Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
eCess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
SHE Cess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
CTSH No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
ADET Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Tax Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
SAED Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
ADC VAT Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Base Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
CESS Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Source Document No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Local Functionality
Supplementary Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Local Functionality
Quantity (Base) Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Unit of Measure Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
VAT Bus. Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Job Task No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Inventory
Depreciation Book Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
VAT Prod. Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Tax Group Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Appl.-to Item Entry Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Budgeted FA No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Quantity Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Cross-Reference Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Net Weight Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Blanket Order Line No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Product Group Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Cross-Reference Type No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Tax Liable Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Use Duplication List Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Item Category Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Quantity Invoiced Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Indirect Cost % Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Unit of Measure Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Pay-to Vendor No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
FA Posting Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
VAT Base Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Description 2 Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Depr. until FA Posting Date Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Dimension Set ID Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Gen. Prod. Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Unit Price (LCY) Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Salvage Value Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Qty. Invoiced (Base) Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Return Reason Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Return Qty. Shipped Not Invd. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Return Order No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Gross Weight Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Document No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Correction Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Responsibility Center Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Direct Unit Cost Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Unit Cost (LCY) Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Transaction Specification Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Variant Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Bin Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Depr. Acquisition Cost Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Item Charge Base Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Transport Method Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Allow Invoice Disc. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Purchasing Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Location Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Unit of Measure (Cross Ref.) Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Units per Parcel Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Attached to Line No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Line No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Insurance No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Duplicate in Depreciation Book Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Area Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Use Tax Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Currency Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Prod. Order No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Cross-Reference No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Nonstock Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Blanket Order No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Item Shpt. Entry No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Vendor Item No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Line Discount % Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
VAT Calculation Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Buy-from Vendor No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
VAT % Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Transaction Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Unit Cost Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
FA Posting Date Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Maintenance Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Tax Area Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Job No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Unit Volume Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Description Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Entry Point Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Return Order Line No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Qty. per Unit of Measure Field, Return Shipment Line Table Purchases and Payables
Posting Date Field, Return Shipment Line Table Sales and Receivables
NCCD Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
State Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Sales Tax
Reverse VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Income Tax
Tax Base Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Sales Tax
Tax % Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Sales Tax
SED Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Notification No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Custom eCess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Form Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Sales Tax
Service Tax Base Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Service Tax
Capital Item Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Service Tax SHE Cess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Service Tax
AED(GSI) Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Notification Sl. No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Service Tax
Claim VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Income Tax
Consume VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Income Tax
Service Tax as Excise Credit Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Service Tax
Excise Bus. Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Service Tax Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Service Tax
Excise Prod. Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Excise Loading on Inventory Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
SetOff Available Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Income Tax
ADE Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Refund VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Income Tax
AED(TTA) Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
BCD Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Excise Base Quantity Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Custom SHECess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
CIF Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Excise as Service Tax Credit Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
CVD Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Excise Accounting Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
BED Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Amount Including Excise Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Excise Refund Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
CWIP G/L Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Local Functionality
eCess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
SHE Cess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
CTSH No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
ADET Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Tax Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
SAED Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
ADC VAT Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Excise Base Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
CESS Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
Excise Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Excise
NCCD Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
State Field, Return Shipment Line Table Sales Tax
Reverse VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table Income Tax
Tax Base Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Sales Tax
Tax Percentage Field, Return Shipment Line Table Sales Tax
SED Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Notification No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Custom eCess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Form Code Field, Return Shipment Line Table Sales Tax
Capital Item Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
AED(GSI) Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Service Tax Base Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Claim VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table Income Tax
Service Tax SHE Cess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Consume VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table Income Tax
Notification Sl. No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Excise Bus. Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Prod. Posting Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Loading On Inventory Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
SetOff Available Field, Return Shipment Line Table Income Tax
Refund VAT Field, Return Shipment Line Table Income Tax
ADE Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Service Tax As Excise Credit Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
AED(TTA) Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
BCD Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Service Tax Group Field, Return Shipment Line Table Service Tax
Excise Base Quantity Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Custom SHECess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
CIF Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise as Service Tax Credit Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
CVD Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Accounting Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
BED Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Amount Including Excise Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Refund Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
eCess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
SHE Cess Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
CTSH No. Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
ADET Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Tax Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
SAED Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
ADC VAT Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Base Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
CESS Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
Excise Amount Field, Return Shipment Line Table Excise
CWIP G/L Type Field, Return Shipment Line Table India Local Functionality

See Also


Return Shipment Header
Purchase Line
Posted Return Shipment Lines
Return Shipment Lines