Profile Questionnaire Line Table

Contains the questions within each profile questionnaire.

In a questionnaire, you can enter as many questions as you want. For each question, you can decide if there are several possible answers, and give each question a priority.

You can also decide to have the program answer some of the questions automatically, based on criteria you define. For example, the program can automatically classify your contacts according to how often or how much you sell to them.

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
Wizard To Value Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Line No. Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Ending Date Formula Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Classification Method Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Wizard From Line No. Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Sorting Method Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Starting Date Formula Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Contact Class. Field Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Wizard From Value Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Customer Class. Field Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Answer Description Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Priority Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Profile Questionnaire Code Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Vendor Class. Field Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Description Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Multiple Answers Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
No. of Contacts Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
From Value Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
To Value Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
No. of Decimals Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Wizard Step Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Min. % Questions Answered Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Interval Option Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Type Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Auto Contact Classification Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management
Answer Option Field, Profile Questionnaire Line Table Relationship Management

See Also


Profile Question Details

Other Resources

The Automatic Classification of Contacts