Item Substitution Table

Contains items that may be used as substitutes for other defined items.

When the quantity of items requested on a sales line exceeds the quantity that is available in inventory, then a message appears to inform you that substitute items exist.

For more information, see Substitution Available .

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
No. Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Substitute Variant Code Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Quantity Avail. on Shpt. Date Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Condition Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Shipment Date Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Inventory Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Interchangeable Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Substitute No. Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Description Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Location Filter Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Variant Code Field, Item Substitution Table Inventory
Substitute Type Field, Item Substitution Table Service Management
Type Field, Item Substitution Table Service Management
Relations Level Field, Item Substitution Table Service Management
Sub. Item No. Field, Item Substitution Table Service Management

See Also

Other Resources

Item Card
Sales Order