No. Series Line Table

Specifies additional information about the number series in the No. Series table. The number series are used to manage numbering in certain tables (such as the Customer, Vendor, and Item tables), and numbering of sales and purchase documents (such as quotes, shipments, and posted invoices) and journal templates, batches, and lines.

You use the table to set up information such as the first and last number in the series and the starting date.

You can set up more than one number series line per number series, with a different starting date for each line. The series will be automatically used consecutively, starting each series on the respective starting date.

When you choose Lines in the No. Series window, the No. Series Line window displays all the lines for the number series selected in the No. Series window.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Ending No. Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Starting Date Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Authorization Year Field, No. Series Line Table United States Local Functionality
Authorization Code Field, No. Series Line Table United States Local Functionality
Series Field, No. Series Line Table United States Local Functionality
Last No. Used Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Starting No. Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Last Date Used Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Line No. Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Increment-by No. Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Warning No. Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Open Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Series Code Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Ending No. Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Starting Date Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Series Code Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Last No. Used Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Starting No. Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Last Date Used Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Line No. Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Increment-by No. Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Warning No. Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Open Field, No. Series Line Table General Ledger
Authorization Year Field, No. Series Line Table United States Local Functionality
Authorization Code Field, No. Series Line Table United States Local Functionality
Series Field, No. Series Line Table United States Local Functionality

See Also


No. Series

Other Resources

No. Series
No. Series Relationships