Service Contract Line Table

Specifies the contract lines with the service items, items and text descriptions that are included in the service contract or contract quote.

Each contract line contains information about either a service item or item or text description that is part of the contract. This information includes the number of the service item and item, its text description, its serial number, the line amount and line discount amount, when the service for this contract line will start and when it will expire and so on. Amounts on the service contract lines are in the source currency which is specified in the Currency Code field in the Service Contract Header table.

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
New Line Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Last Preventive Maint. Date Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Contract Type Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Line No. Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Line Cost Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Line Amount Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Line Value Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Credited Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Service Item Group Code Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Contract No. Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Line Discount % Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Response Time (Hours) Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Unit of Measure Code Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Last Service Date Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Customer No. Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Contract Expiration Date Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Next Planned Service Date Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Description Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Service Item No. Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Credit Memo Date Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Contract Status Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Item No. Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Invoiced to Date Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Ship-to Code Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Line Discount Amount Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Starting Date Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Profit Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Variant Code Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Service Period Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Last Planned Service Date Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management
Serial No. Field, Service Contract Line Table Service Management

See Also


Service Contract
Service Contract List