Designing Reports

You design a report by first defining the dataset and then designing the visual layout. You design the dataset for reports in Report Dataset Designer of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment. When designing the layouts, there are two different types: RDLC report layouts and Word report layouts. You design RDLC report layouts in Visual Studio Report Designer. You design Word report layouts in Word. After you design a report's dataset and layout, you can make it available for running and printing in Microsoft Dynamics NAV client applications.

The following table describes where to find information about how to design reports.

To See

Learn about how to create a report dataset

How to: Create a Report Dataset

How to: Create Labels for a Report

Learn general information about report layouts

Designing Report Layouts from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment

Learn about how to design a RDLC report layout

Designing RDLC Report Layouts

How to: Create an RDLC Report Layout

How to: Integrate Report Dataset Designer and Visual Studio Report Designer

Learn about how to design a Word report layout

Designing Word Report Layouts

Walk through examples of designing reports that use the CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration database

Report Design Walkthroughs

See Also


Report Design Overview
Running Reports
Printing Reports