Team Table

Contains the different teams within your company. Teams are groups of employees that work towards a common goal. Only employees recorded as salespeople in the Salesperson/Purchaser table can be recorded as part of a team. Each salesperson can be assigned to several teams.

You can assign to-dos and activities to a team. When a to-do is assigned to a team, it can be delegated to any of the salespeople within the team.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Date Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Contact Company Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Priority Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Salesperson Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
To-do Closed Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Code Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Next To-do Date Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Name Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Contact Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Campaign Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
To-do Status Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
To-do Entry Exists Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Date Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Contact Company Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Priority Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Salesperson Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
To-do Closed Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Code Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Next To-do Date Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Name Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Contact Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
Campaign Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
To-do Status Filter Field, Team Table Relationship Management
To-do Entry Exists Field, Team Table Relationship Management

See Also



Other Resources
