Insurance Journal Line Table

Shows when you select Insurance Journals. To create lines in a journal, click the first empty line and fill in the fields. The program automatically creates a new line when you press Enter in the last field on a line.

When you choose a journal, the program displays the most recently used journal batch name. If you want to use another journal batch, click the Batch Name field, and then choose from among the existing journal batches or create new ones.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
FA No. Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Index Entry Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Source Code Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Document Type Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
External Document No. Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Document No. Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Dimension Set ID Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Journal Batch Name Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Journal Template Name Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Line No. Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Posting No. Series Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Insurance No. Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Description Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Amount Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Posting Date Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Document Date Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Reason Code Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
FA Description Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
FA No. Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Index Entry Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Source Code Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Document Type Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
External Document No. Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Document No. Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Dimension Set ID Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Journal Batch Name Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Journal Template Name Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Line No. Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Posting No. Series Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Insurance No. Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Description Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Amount Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Posting Date Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Document Date Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
Reason Code Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets
FA Description Field, Insurance Journal Line Table Fixed Assets

See Also


Insurance Journal

Other Resources

How to: Attach Fixed Assets to Multiple Insurance Policies
How to: Set Up General Insurance Information