General Ledger Setup Table

Specifies general information, such as rounding precision and document number series, regarding how the company keeps its accounts.

The General Ledger Setup window and the Company Information window must be completed for each company you set up in the program.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
TDS Report ID Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Service Tax
Excise Expenses Account Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Excise
Service Tax Rounding Type Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Service Tax
Cust. Balances Due Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Validate loc.VAT Reg. No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Use Document Date in Currency Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Register Time Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Allow G/L Acc. Deletion Before Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Local Cont. Addr. Format Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
VAT Exchange Rate Adjustment Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Full GST on Prepayment Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Service Tax Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Service Tax
Inv. Rounding Precision (LCY) Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
AMAS Software Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Jnl. Batch Name for Applying Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Last Gen. Jour. Printing Date Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Round Amount for WHT Calc Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
VAT Statement Template Name Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Last General Journal No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Service Tax Distribution Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Service Tax
VAT Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Income Tax
Official Debit Amount Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Excise Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Excise
BAS Group Company Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Simplified Intrastat Decl. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Settlement Round. Factor Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Currency Euro Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
TDS Rounding Type Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Income Tax
Post Dated Journal Batch Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Max. VAT Difference Allowed Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
BarCode Custom Information Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Address Validation Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Jnl. Templ. Name for Applying Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
S.T. Posted Distribution Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Service Tax
Vendor Balances Due Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
VAT in Use Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
TCS Rounding Type Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Income Tax
TDS Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Income Tax
PLA Account Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Excise
Hash Algorithm Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
PAC Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Use Workdate for Appl./Unappl. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Amount Decimal Places Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Force Payment With Invoice Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Sim. Request Stamp Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Post Dated Journal Template Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Enable IRD No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
VAT Statement Name Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Sim. Signature Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
VAT Adjustment Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Income Tax
Enable Tax Invoices Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Payment Tolerance Posting Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Sim. Send Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Enable WHT Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Bank Rec. Adj. Doc. Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Posting Allowed To Field, General Ledger Setup Table France Local Functionality
Print Tax Invoices on Posting Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Deposit Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Item Charge (VAT Adjustment) Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Local Functionality
Min. WHT Calc only on Inv. Amt Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
PAC Environment Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Threshold applies Field, General Ledger Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Threshold Amount Field, General Ledger Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Sales VAT Advance Notif. Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Germany Local Functionality
Enable GST (Australia) Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Appln. Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
GST Report Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Adjustment Mandatory Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Send PDF Report Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Last Settlement Date Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Currency Euro Field, General Ledger Setup Table France Local Functionality
Enable VAT Registration No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Posting Allowed From Field, General Ledger Setup Table France Local Functionality
Local Currency Field, General Ledger Setup Table France Local Functionality
Excise Expense Acc. - Job Work Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Excise
SAT Certificate Thumbprint Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Last Printed G/L Book Page Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Local Address Format Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
BAS to be Lodged as a Group Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Check Negative RG Balance Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Local Functionality
Autocredit Memo Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Payment Discount Type Field, General Ledger Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Minimum VAT Payable Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Mark Cr. Memos as Corrections Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
TCS Report ID Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Local Functionality
Company Officials Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Manual Sales WHT Calc. Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Appln. Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Official Credit Amount Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Warning Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Adjust for Payment Disc. Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Print VAT specification in LCY Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
VAT Settlement Period Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Discount Calculation Field, General Ledger Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Currency Euro Field, General Ledger Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Payment Tolerance % Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Local Currency Field, General Ledger Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
CashVAT Product Posting Group Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Excise Rounding Type Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Excise
Interest Cal Excl. VAT Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Autoinvoice Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Payment Tolerance Warning Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
TDS Report Name Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Local Functionality
BAS GST Division Factor Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Unit-Amount Decimal Places Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Pmt. Disc. Excl. VAT Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Activate Cheque No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Local Functionality
Unrealized VAT Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Check G/L Account Usage Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Max. Payment Tolerance Amount Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Posting Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Amount Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
PoT Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Local Functionality
Date Filter Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
TCS Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Local Functionality
Payment Discount Grace Period Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Bill-to/Sell-to VAT Calc. Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
TDS Report ID Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Local Functionality
Adapt Main Menu to Permissions Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Prepayment Unrealized VAT Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
LCY Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
TCS Report Name Field, General Ledger Setup Table India Local Functionality
Use Legacy G/L Entry Locking Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
EMU Currency Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Unit-Amount Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
VAT Rounding Type Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Allow Posting To Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Summarize G/L Entries Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Allow Posting From Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
VAT Tolerance % Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Last IC Transaction No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Currency Adjmt with Correction Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. Amt.Diff. Acc. Priority Field, General Ledger Setup Table Deleted Topics
Sales Amt. Diff. Alloc. G/L Field, General Ledger Setup Table Deleted Topics
Short-Term Due Period Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Contractor Invent. Act Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Red Storno VAT Reinstatement Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Create Amt. Diff. Documents Field, General Ledger Setup Table Deleted Topics
VAT Sales Ledger No. Series Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Cancel Prepmt. Adjmt. in TA Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. Amt. Diff. Alloc. G/L Field, General Ledger Setup Table Deleted Topics
Allow VAT in Amt. Diff. Losses Field, General Ledger Setup Table Deleted Topics
Allow VAT Set. before FA Rel. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Summarize Gains/Losses Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Cancel Curr. Prepmt. Adjmt. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Automatic G/L Correspondence Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Analytic Acc. Card Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales Amt. Diff. Acc. Priority Field, General Ledger Setup Table Deleted Topics
VAT Purch. Ledger No. Series Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Allow VAT in Amt. Diff. Gains Field, General Ledger Setup Table Deleted Topics
Enable Russian Accounting Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Shared Account Schedule Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Bank Recon. with Auto. Match Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Application always Allowed Field, General Ledger Setup Table Norway Local Functionality
Non-Taxable Field, General Ledger Setup Table Norway Local Functionality
Currency Adjmt with Correction Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Short-Term Due Period Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Contractor Invent. Act Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Red Storno VAT Reinstatement Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
VAT Sales Ledger No. Series Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Cancel Prepmt. Adjmt. in TA Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Allow VAT Set. before FA Rel. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Summarize Gains/Losses Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Cancel Curr. Prepmt. Adjmt. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Automatic G/L Correspondence Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Analytic Acc. Card Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
VAT Purch. Ledger No. Series Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Enable Russian Accounting Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Shared Account Schedule Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Jnl. Batch Name for Applying Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
VAT Statement Template Name Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Simplified Intrastat Decl. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Currency Euro Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Jnl. Templ. Name for Applying Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Use Workdate for Appl./Unappl. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
VAT Statement Name Field, General Ledger Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Inv. Rounding Type (LCY) Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 7 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 5 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Payroll Trans. Import Format Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Bank Account Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Additional Reporting Currency Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 2 Filter Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 4 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 1 Filter Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 8 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Primary Key Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 3 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 6 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
VAT Reg. No. Validation URL Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Currency Code For EURO Field, General Ledger Setup Table Germany Local Functionality
Cust. Balances Due Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Register Time Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Allow G/L Acc. Deletion Before Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Local Cont. Addr. Format Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Inv. Rounding Type (LCY) Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 7 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 5 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
VAT Exchange Rate Adjustment Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Inv. Rounding Precision (LCY) Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Max. VAT Difference Allowed Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Vendor Balances Due Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Payroll Trans. Import Format Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Amount Decimal Places Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Payment Tolerance Posting Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Bank Account Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Additional Reporting Currency Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Local Address Format Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 2 Filter Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Mark Cr. Memos as Corrections Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Appln. Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Warning Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Adjust for Payment Disc. Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Print VAT specification in LCY Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Payment Tolerance % Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Payment Tolerance Warning Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Unit-Amount Decimal Places Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Pmt. Disc. Excl. VAT Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Unrealized VAT Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 4 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Check G/L Account Usage Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Max. Payment Tolerance Amount Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Posting Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 1 Filter Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Amount Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Date Filter Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Payment Discount Grace Period Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Bill-to/Sell-to VAT Calc. Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 8 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Adapt Main Menu to Permissions Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Prepayment Unrealized VAT Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
LCY Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Primary Key Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Use Legacy G/L Entry Locking Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 3 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
EMU Currency Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 6 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Unit-Amount Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
VAT Rounding Type Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Allow Posting To Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Summarize G/L Entries Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Allow Posting From Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
VAT Reg. No. Validation URL Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
VAT Tolerance % Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Last IC Transaction No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table General Ledger
Full GST on Prepayment Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
AMAS Software Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Round Amount for WHT Calc Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
VAT in Use Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
BAS Group Company Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Post Dated Journal Batch Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Hash Algorithm Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
BarCode Custom Information Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Address Validation Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
PAC Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Sim. Request Stamp Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Sim. Signature Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Bank Recon. with Auto. Match Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Posting Allowed To Field, General Ledger Setup Table France Local Functionality
Sim. Send Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Bank Rec. Adj. Doc. Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Deposit Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Force Payment With Invoice Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Currency Code For EURO Field, General Ledger Setup Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Post Dated Journal Template Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Enable IRD No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
PAC Environment Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Sales VAT Advance Notif. Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Germany Local Functionality
Enable Tax Invoices Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Enable WHT Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Threshold applies Field, General Ledger Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Currency Euro Field, General Ledger Setup Table France Local Functionality
Validate loc.VAT Reg. No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Threshold Amount Field, General Ledger Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Send PDF Report Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Print Tax Invoices on Posting Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Use Document Date in Currency Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Appln. Rounding Precision Field, General Ledger Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Posting Allowed From Field, General Ledger Setup Table France Local Functionality
Local Currency Field, General Ledger Setup Table France Local Functionality
Min. WHT Calc only on Inv. Amt Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Autocredit Memo Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Payment Discount Type Field, General Ledger Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
SAT Certificate Thumbprint Field, General Ledger Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Application always Allowed Field, General Ledger Setup Table Norway Local Functionality
Enable GST (Australia) Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Currency Adjmt with Correction Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
GST Report Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Adjustment Mandatory Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Non-Taxable Field, General Ledger Setup Table Norway Local Functionality
Last Gen. Jour. Printing Date Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Discount Calculation Field, General Ledger Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Enable VAT Registration No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Last General Journal No. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Official Debit Amount Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
BAS to be Lodged as a Group Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Short-Term Due Period Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Currency Euro Field, General Ledger Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Settlement Round. Factor Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Local Currency Field, General Ledger Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Contractor Invent. Act Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Autoinvoice Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Red Storno VAT Reinstatement Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Manual Sales WHT Calc. Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
VAT Sales Ledger No. Series Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Interest Cal Excl. VAT Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Cancel Prepmt. Adjmt. in TA Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
BAS GST Division Factor Field, General Ledger Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Last Settlement Date Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Allow VAT Set. before FA Rel. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Last Printed G/L Book Page Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Summarize Gains/Losses Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Minimum VAT Payable Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Company Officials Nos. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Official Credit Amount Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
VAT Settlement Period Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Cancel Curr. Prepmt. Adjmt. Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
CashVAT Product Posting Group Field, General Ledger Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Automatic G/L Correspondence Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Analytic Acc. Card Code Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
VAT Purch. Ledger No. Series Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Enable Russian Accounting Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Shared Account Schedule Field, General Ledger Setup Table Russia Local Functionality

See Also


Company Information
General Ledger Setup