Purchases & Payables Setup Table

Specifies how to manage parts of your purchases and payables.

Before you begin working with Purchases & Payables, you specify here the number series that will be used for vendors, purchase documents, and so on. You also specify here other options such as how you want to calculate and post discounts and whether you want to round invoices.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
VAT Exemption Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Posted Tax Credit Memo Nos Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Print WHT Docs. on Pay. Post Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Print WHT Docs. on Credit Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Journal Templ. Purch. Cr. Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Posted Tax Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Post Dated Check Batch Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Payment Discount Reason Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
IC Jnl. Templ. Purch. Invoice Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Jnl. Templ. Prep. P. Cr. Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Post Payment Discount Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Archiving Purchase Quote Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Germany Local Functionality
Bank Batch Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Finland Local Functionality
Use Vendor's Tax Area Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Journal Templ. Purch. Invoice Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Posting Date Check on Posting Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Reverse Charge VAT Posting Gr. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
IC Jnl. Templ. Purch. Cr. Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Posted Ret Shpt Nos. (Trading) Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table India Local Functionality
Vendor Registration Warning Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Domestic Vendors Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Posted Non Tax Credit Memo Nos Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Import BACS Files Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Third Party Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table India Local Functionality
Print Dialog Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Jnl. Templ. Prep. P. Inv. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Post Line Discount Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
BACS File Name Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Combine Special Orders Default Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Check Doc. Total Amounts Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Copy Dimensions to Inward Reg. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Latest Return Date Calc. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Show Inward Reg. in Balances Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Part. Pay. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Inward Posting Description Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Def. Inward Reg. Prod. Post Gr Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Accumulated Inward Reg. Lines Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Posted Purch Cr. Memo(Trading) Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table India Local Functionality
Temporary Bill List No. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Inward Reg. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Post Dated Check Template Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Reverse Posting Description Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Quotes Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Post Invoice Discount Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Posted Non Tax Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Invoices Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Quote Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Enable Vendor GST Amount (ACY) Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Allow VAT Difference Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Correct. Doc. No. Mandatory Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
GST Prod. Posting Group Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Vendor Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Blanket Order Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Archive Quotes and Orders Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Delivery Challan Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table India Local Functionality
Pre-GST Prod. Posting Group Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Orders Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Show Totals on Purch. Inv./CM. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Insert Std. Vend. Purch. Lines Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
WHT Certificate No. Series Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Subcontracting Order Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table India Local Functionality
Credit Memos Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Posted Purch. Rcpt. (Trading) Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table India Local Functionality
Posted Return Shpt. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Copy Comments Blanket to Order Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Appln. between Currencies Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Post with Job Queue Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Delivery Challan Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table India Local Functionality
Posted Receipt Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Return Order Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sales and Receivables
Default Posting Date Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Receipt on Invoice Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Post & Print with Job Queue Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Job Queue Category Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Posted SC Comp. Rcpt. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table India Local Functionality
Posted Prepmt. Inv. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Prepmt. Cr. Memo Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Copy Comments Order to Receipt Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Copy Cmts Ret.Ord. to Cr. Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sales and Receivables
Credit Memo Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Default Qty. to Receive Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Credit Memo Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Notify On Success Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Ext. Doc. No. Mandatory Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Multiple Subcon. Order Det Nos Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table India Local Functionality
Posted Invoice Nos. (Trading) Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table India Local Functionality
Return Shipment on Credit Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Invoice Rounding Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Calc. Inv. Discount Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Calc. Inv. Disc. per VAT ID Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Copy Comments Order to Invoice Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Copy Cmts Ret.Ord. to Ret.Shpt Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Check Prepmt. when Posting Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Order Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Discount Posting Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Primary Key Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
TORG-2 Template Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
TORG-1 Template Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Letter of Attorney Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Doc. Nos. Type Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Adv. Stmt. VAT Bus. Posting Gr Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Vendor Agreement Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
AD Losses Condition Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Deleted Topics
Posted PD Doc. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Advance Statement Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Allow VAT Adjustment Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Deleted Topics
Vendor Agreement Dim. Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Transfer Posting Description Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Amt. Diff. Invoice Nos. Type Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Deleted Topics
AD Gains Kind Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Deleted Topics
PD Gains Kind Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Posted VAT Agent Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Synch. Agreement Dimension Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
AD Losses Kind Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Deleted Topics
PD Losses Kind Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Allow Alter Posting Groups Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
M-7 Template Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Gains Condition Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Use Prepayment Account Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
AD Gains Condition Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Deleted Topics
Adv. Stmt. Vendor Posting Gr. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Posted Amt. Diff. Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Deleted Topics
Check Application Date Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Symbol for PD Doc. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Received Factures Journal Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Deleted Topics
Released Letter of Attor. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Losses Condition Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Symbol for Amt. Diff. Invoice Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Deleted Topics
Adv. Stmt. Gen.Bus. Posting Gr Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
TORG-2 Template Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
TORG-1 Template Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Letter of Attorney Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Doc. Nos. Type Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Adv. Stmt. VAT Bus. Posting Gr Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Vendor Agreement Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Amt. Spec limit to Norges Bank Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Norway Local Functionality
Posted PD Doc. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Advance Statement Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Vendor Agreement Dim. Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Transfer Posting Description Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Gains Kind Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Posted VAT Agent Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Synch. Agreement Dimension Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Losses Kind Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Allow Alter Posting Groups Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
M-7 Template Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Gains Condition Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Use Prepayment Account Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Adv. Stmt. Vendor Posting Gr. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Check Application Date Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Symbol for PD Doc. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Released Letter of Attor. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Losses Condition Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Adv. Stmt. Gen.Bus. Posting Gr Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Journal Templ. Purch. Cr. Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
IC Jnl. Templ. Purch. Invoice Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Jnl. Templ. Prep. P. Cr. Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Journal Templ. Purch. Invoice Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
IC Jnl. Templ. Purch. Cr. Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Jnl. Templ. Prep. P. Inv. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Belgium Local Functionality
Job Queue Priority for Post Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Exact Cost Reversing Mandatory Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table General Ledger
Job Queue Priority for Post & Print Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Issued Delivery Reminder Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Germany Local Functionality
Archiving Blanket Purch. Order Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Germany Local Functionality
Arch. Orders and Ret. Orders Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Germany Local Functionality
Default Del. Rem. Date Field Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Germany Local Functionality
Delivery Reminder Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Germany Local Functionality
Job Queue Priority for Post Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Debit Acc. for Non-Item Lines Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Quote Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Post with Job Queue Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Allow VAT Difference Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Vendor Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Blanket Order Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Archive Quotes and Orders Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Return Order Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Exact Cost Reversing Mandatory Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Return Shpt. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Copy Comments Blanket to Order Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Appln. between Currencies Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Copy Cmts Ret.Ord. to Cr. Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Receipt Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Default Posting Date Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Receipt on Invoice Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Post & Print with Job Queue Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Job Queue Category Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Prepmt. Inv. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Prepmt. Cr. Memo Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Copy Comments Order to Receipt Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Credit Memo Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Default Qty. to Receive Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Credit Memo Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Ext. Doc. No. Mandatory Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Job Q. Prio. for Post & Print Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Return Shipment on Credit Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Invoice Rounding Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Calc. Inv. Discount Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Calc. Inv. Disc. per VAT ID Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Copy Comments Order to Invoice Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Copy Cmts Ret.Ord. to Ret.Shpt Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Check Prepmt. when Posting Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Order Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Notify On Success Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Discount Posting Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Primary Key Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Posted Tax Credit Memo Nos Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Print WHT Docs. on Pay. Post Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Print WHT Docs. on Credit Memo Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Archiving Purchase Quote Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Post Payment Discount Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Posted Tax Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Post Dated Check Batch Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Issued Delivery Reminder Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Payment Discount Reason Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Bank Batch Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Finland Local Functionality
Archiving Blanket Purch. Order Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Arch. Orders and Ret. Orders Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Use Vendor's Tax Area Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United States Local Functionality
Posting Date Check on Posting Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Post Line Discount Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Reverse Charge VAT Posting Gr. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Default Del. Rem. Date Field Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Delivery Reminder Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Domestic Vendors Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Import BACS Files Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
BACS File Name Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Combine Special Orders Default Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table United States Local Functionality
VAT Exemption Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Vendor Registration Warning Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Posted Non Tax Credit Memo Nos Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Check Doc. Total Amounts Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Print Dialog Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Post Invoice Discount Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
TORG-2 Template Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
TORG-1 Template Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Quotes Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Copy Dimensions to Inward Reg. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Letter of Attorney Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Latest Return Date Calc. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
PD Doc. Nos. Type Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Show Inward Reg. in Balances Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Part. Pay. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Invoices Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Inward Posting Description Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Def. Inward Reg. Prod. Post Gr Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Accumulated Inward Reg. Lines Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Correct. Doc. No. Mandatory Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Spain Local Functionality
Inward Reg. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Reverse Posting Description Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Sweden Local Functionality
Post Dated Check Template Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Adv. Stmt. VAT Bus. Posting Gr Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Vendor Agreement Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Posted Non Tax Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Orders Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Show Totals on Purch. Inv./CM. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Insert Std. Vend. Purch. Lines Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Credit Memos Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Enable Vendor GST Amount (ACY) Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Posted PD Doc. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Amt. Spec limit to Norges Bank Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Norway Local Functionality
GST Prod. Posting Group Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Pre-GST Prod. Posting Group Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
WHT Certificate No. Series Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Advance Statement Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Temporary Bill List No. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Italy Local Functionality
Vendor Agreement Dim. Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Transfer Posting Description Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Gains Kind Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Posted VAT Agent Invoice Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Credit Acc. for Non-Item Lines Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Purchases and Payables
Synch. Agreement Dimension Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Losses Kind Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Allow Alter Posting Groups Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
M-7 Template Code Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Gains Condition Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Use Prepayment Account Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Adv. Stmt. Vendor Posting Gr. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Check Application Date Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Symbol for PD Doc. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Released Letter of Attor. Nos. Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Losses Condition Dim Value Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality
Adv. Stmt. Gen.Bus. Posting Gr Field, Purchases & Payables Setup Table Russia Local Functionality

See Also


Purchases & Payables Setup