Registered Whse. Activity Line Table

Specifies all the information about registered pick, put-away, and movement lines. Information can include item number, quantity handled, and information that is related to each line from the source document, such as a sales, purchase, or production order. If you have bins, the table also includes information about the bin placements of the items.

The information from the fields on the warehouse activity lines is copied to this table when you register the activity.

For more information about the lines on pick, put-away, or movement instructions, see the Registered Whse. Activity Hdr. table.

You cannot change the contents of this field.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Shipping Agent Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Zone Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Shipping Agent Service Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Sorting Sequence No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Unit of Measure Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Shipping Advice Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Qty. (Base) Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source Line No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Quantity Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Whse. Activity No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source Subline No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Whse. Document Line No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Description Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Due Date Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Destination No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Activity Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Whse. Document Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Expiration Date Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source Document Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Weight Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Warranty Date Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Starting Date Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Action Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Line No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source Subtype Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Destination Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Shipment Method Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Serial No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Whse. Document No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Source No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Variant Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Item No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Qty. per Unit of Measure Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Lot No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Description 2 Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Location Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Shelf No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Special Equipment Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Cubage Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Bin Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Zone Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Whse. Document Line No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Whse. Document Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Weight Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Action Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Whse. Document No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Special Equipment Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Cubage Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Bin Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Zone Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Shipping Agent Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Shipping Agent Service Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Sorting Sequence No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Unit of Measure Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Shipping Advice Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Qty. (Base) Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source Line No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Quantity Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Whse. Document Line No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Whse. Activity No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source Subline No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Whse. Document Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Description Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Due Date Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Destination No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Activity Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Weight Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Expiration Date Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Action Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source Document Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Whse. Document No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Warranty Date Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Starting Date Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Line No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source Subtype Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Destination Type Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Shipment Method Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Serial No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Special Equipment Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Cubage Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Bin Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Source No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Variant Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Item No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Qty. per Unit of Measure Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Lot No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Description 2 Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Location Code Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management
Shelf No. Field, Registered Whse. Activity Line Table Warehouse Management

See Also


Registered Whse. Activity List