Bank Pmt. Appl. Rule Table

Manages the data that you specify in the Payment Application Rules window to govern if payments are automatically applied to their related open entries when you use the Apply Automatically function in the Payment Reconciliation Journal window.

You set up new payment application rules by choosing which types of data on a payment reconciliation journal line must match with data on an open entry before the related payment is automatically applied to the open entry. The quality of each automatic application is shown as a value of Low to High in the Match Confidence field in the Payment Reconciliation Journal window according to the payment application rule that was used. For more information, see How to: Set Up Rules for Applying Payments Automatically.

List of Fields in the Table

See Also


Payment Application Rules
Payment Reconciliation Journal
Match Confidence

Other Resources

Text-to-Account Mapping
How to: Automatically Apply Payments to Open Documents
How to: Manually Apply Payments to Open Documents
How to: Set Up Rules for Automatic Application of Payments
How to: Map Payment Text to Accounts to Assist Automatic Application
How to: Import Bank Statements