How to: View Incoming Document Records from Documents and Entries

For both non-posted documents, posted documents, and vendor, customer, and general ledger entries, you can view any incoming document files that are attached, for example for auditing purposes.

The following procedures show how to view an incoming document record and its attached file from a vendor ledger entry. Viewing incoming document files from non-posted documents, posted documents and other types of ledger entries works in a similar way.

To view an incoming vendor invoice from the related vendor ledger entry

  1. In the Search box, enter Vendor Ledger Entries, and then choose the related link.

  2. Select a line for the posting of a purchase document that was created from on an incoming document or to which an incoming document file has been attached.


    Use the Incoming Document Attachments FactBox to see which ledger entries have files attached.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Functions group, in the Incoming Document drop-down, choose View Incoming Document.

  4. Alternatively, in the Incoming Document Files FactBox, choose View File.

See Also


How to: Set Up the Incoming Documents Feature


Incoming Documents
Business Functionality

Other Resources

Vendor Ledger Entries
Incoming Documents Setup
Incoming Documents
Incoming Document
How to: View Applied Vendor Ledger Entries from the Ledger Entry Window