Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line Table

Contains the comments you enter concerning contacts, Web sources, campaigns, and to-dos. For example, you may want to enter a comment explaining how to use the URL for Web sources, or to specify more details about a to-do that you assign.

You can enter comments from the contact card, the campaign card, the To-do List window, the Web Sources window, the Opportunity List window, the Sales Cycles window and the Sales Cycle Stages window.

The comments cannot be printed.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Date Field, Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line Table Relationship Management
Last Date Modified Field, Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line Table Relationship Management
Comment Field, Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line Table Relationship Management
Sub No. Field, Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line Table Relationship Management
Table Name Field, Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line Table Relationship Management
Line No. Field, Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line Table Relationship Management
No. Field, Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line Table Relationship Management
Code Field, Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line Table Relationship Management

See Also


Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Sheet
Rlshp. Mgt. Comment List
To-do List
Web Sources
Opportunity List
Sales Cycles
Sales Cycle Stages