Customer Template Table

Defines a template with the information that you need to create a customer based on a contact or with the information you need to send a quote to a contact who is not yet a customer.

You enter information such as the code for the template, a brief description, the country/region, territory and currency codes, and so on. If the contact is not a customer yet, these latter fields are used as search criteria by the system to match a contact with the customer template on a sales quote.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Customer Disc. Group Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Customer Posting Group Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Code Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Allow Line Disc. Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Payment Method Code Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Territory Code Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Currency Code Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Invoice Disc. Code Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Description Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Shipment Method Code Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Customer Price Group Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Country/Region Code Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
VAT Bus. Posting Group Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
Payment Terms Code Field, Customer Template Table Relationship Management
State Field, Customer Template Table United States Local Functionality
Tax Liable Field, Customer Template Table United States Local Functionality
Credit Limit (LCY) Field, Customer Template Table United States Local Functionality
Tax Area Code Field, Customer Template Table United States Local Functionality

See Also


Customer Template Card