Human Resource Comment Line Table

Contains the comments related to the Employee table and other tables where you set up various types of employee information: Alternative Address, Employee Qualification, Employee Relative, Employee Absence and Misc. Article Information.

You use the Human Resource Comment Line table to set up comments for the above-mentioned tables. This table is displayed in the Comment Sheet window, which you open from a window by clicking Related Information, pointing to the menu option that has a name that is the same as (or similar to) the window name (for example, on the Employee Qualifications window, the menu option is called Qualification) and then clicking Comments.

You create comments for a specific line in a window. If you click a line in the Employee Qualifications window and then click Related Information, Qualification, Comments, you will be able to set up comments (and see previously-created comments) for that particular line only. If you want to see all the comments that have been created for all the lines in the Employee Qualifications window, click the Actions in the Comment Sheet window and then click View List.

The tables related to employee information have a Comment field. For lines on which the Comment field contains a check mark, a comment has been set up.

The comments will not be printed on reports.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Alternative Address Code Field, Human Resource Comment Line Table Human Resources
Comment Field, Human Resource Comment Line Table Human Resources
Code Field, Human Resource Comment Line Table Human Resources
No. Field, Human Resource Comment Line Table Human Resources
Date Field, Human Resource Comment Line Table Human Resources
Line No. Field, Human Resource Comment Line Table Human Resources
Table Line No. Field, Human Resource Comment Line Table Human Resources
Table Name Field, Human Resource Comment Line Table Human Resources

See Also

Other Resources

Comment Sheet