Tax Group Table

Specifies tax groups. A tax group represents a group of inventory items or resources that are subject to identical tax terms.

Examples of typical tax groups are food items, medicine and medical supplies, automobile fuel, and alcoholic beverages. These groups are usually determined by criteria set up by various tax authorities.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
VAT Applicable Field, Tax Group Table Income Tax
Works Contract Field, Tax Group Table India Local Functionality
VAT Applicable Field, Tax Group Table India Income Tax
Code Field, Tax Group Table General Ledger
Description Field, Tax Group Table General Ledger
Code Field, Tax Group Table General Ledger
Description Field, Tax Group Table General Ledger
VAT Applicable Field, Tax Group Table Income Tax
Code Field, Tax Group Table General Ledger
Description Field, Tax Group Table General Ledger
Code Field, Tax Group Table General Ledger
Description Field, Tax Group Table General Ledger

See Also


Tax Detail
Tax Jurisdiction