Bank Payment Type Field, Gen. Journal Line Table

Specifies the code for the payment type to be used for the entry on the payment journal line.

To see the available options, choose the field.

The following table describes the options.

Option Description


Choose this option if you do not want to create a check. This is the default option.

Computer Check

Choose this option if you want Microsoft Dynamics NAV to create and later print a check for the amount on this payment journal line. See below.

Manual Check

Choose this option if you have created a check manually and want Microsoft Dynamics NAV to create a corresponding check ledger entry for this amount. With this option, you cannot print checks. See below.


You can choose Computer Check or Manual Check only if the Bal. Account Type or Account Type is Bank Account.

Basic steps for using the Print Check feature in the payment journal:

  1. Fill in the payment journal lines either by entering the lines manually or by using the function Suggest Vendor Payments. This function assists you in managing check payments to vendors.

  2. Choose the option Computer Check or Manual Check (see above) in this field.

  3. With the option Computer Check, you must print the check(s) before you can post the line(s). With the option Manual Check, you can post the journal lines at once.

  4. Print the check(s). For more information, see Check.

  5. After the check(s) have been printed successfully, you can post the payment journal.

If you need to cancel the check(s) after printing them, you can void a single check or all the checks.

After you have printed or posted the journal lines, the program creates check ledger entries in the Check Ledger Entry table. Here you can also cancel the check(s), if necessary.


For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

Parent Tables

Table Location
Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Posting No. Series Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Posting No. Series Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Posting No. Series Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger
Posting No. Series Field, Gen. Journal Line Table General Ledger

See Also


General Journal

Other Resources

Issuing Checks
Work with General Journals