Cost Journal Template Table

Specifies the cost journal templates that have been set up. Cost journal templates allow you to work in a journal window that is designed for a specific purpose. That is, the fields contained in each journal template are exactly the ones needed for a particular part of cost accounting.

For more information about journal templates, journal batches and journal lines, see Gen. Journal Template.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Source Code Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Description Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Name Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Posting Report Caption Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Reason Code Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Source Code Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Description Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Name Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Posting Report Name Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Posting Report ID Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Reason Code Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Source Code Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Description Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Name Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Posting Report Name Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Posting Report ID Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Reason Code Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Posting Report ID Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Source Code Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Description Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Name Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Posting Report Caption Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Posting Report ID Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger
Reason Code Field, Cost Journal Template Table General Ledger

See Also


Gen. Journal Line
Gen. Journal Batch